hello, you wild magnolias, just waiting to bloom

(from the Hair Fair

This time out, we're covering LoQ to start. This is "Barbera", the first style, in Sweet Blonde. It's on the huge side, but at least it's a well-maintained mane, I guess?

Not shown: the three other styles. They're fine, they just didn't particularly grab me, and frankly, I'm running low on time. You can find LoQ in Port.

After that, let's move to (red)Mint.

(from the Hair Fair

This is "No. 13'13", and wau, I wish red(Mint) would actually use names, not numbers. Still, it's an interesting style, good flow, good curves. Only drawback: there's no way to resize the demo, so the patch of empty scalp on the one side was glaringly obvious. (This is in "Brown Amber"; there were three other demos in this pack, but they were all rigged for Lolas' Tangos. Still, nice to see hair specifically rigged to flow over mesh breasts.)

(from the Hair Fair

You'll note neither of these shots are taken from the perspective of my left side.

(from the Hair Fair album)

I'm...not entirely sure what's going on with "No. 14'13"? Is my hair trying to strangle me? Are we having a grisly strangulation battle?

(from the Hair Fair album)

Maybe it's supposed to be a photo-only hair? "The wind is so powerful today..." *snapsnapsnap* Honestly, I have no clue. I tried it in all the colors and they all do this.

(from the Hair Fair album)

The upper hair's shown in "Bilberry Black"; this one's the "Wine Red", and yeah, same damn thing.

Not shown: style "No. 15'13". I loved the casually-unbraiding look of the back of the hair, but there was zero loft on the top from the front. It was so flat I looked lobotomized.

You can find red(Mint) in the Harbour sim.

(from the Hair Fair album)

Only covering one of the two styles from cheveux, this one, "F024", in Pink03. The other one had tragic alpha issues.

You can find cheveux in the Port sim.

(from the Hair Fair album)

Up next: DECO. This is their "Hiveish" hair in Blaze, for all your alien queen needs.

(from the Hair Fair album)

And here's "Shifty", in Ember, from the back...

(from the Hair Fair album)

...and from the front...

(from the Hair Fair album)

...and from the side. For...if you really need a Bad Hair Day style??

(from the Hair Fair album)

Oh, and it comes with a beard. This is "Shifty" shown with the separate beard attached, in Mold. I could actually see this for the more unkempt dwarvish/warlord types in RP sims.

Not shown: three other styles. You can find DECO in the Port sim, also.

(The top's from Bliss Couture, the Nada jacket in Brown; they're having a 90% off closing sale from now until...well, they close, whenever that's going to be. The pants are TRAP's Lacey pants in Bronze, and I may have to go pick up another few colors, now that I've finally tried them on.

(The skin's the "Mila Porceline" from Anxiety, the eyes are from Bleh, their "Green B2" eyes, and honestly, I can't remember if they're in business these days or not. I forwent shoes.)

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