24 July, 2012

your actions turn conquest to dust

First Hair Fair post for 2012: Argrace, Bliss and Alice Project.
Second Hair Fair post: Alli and Alli, Amacci and Analog Dog.
Third Hair Fair post: Battle Angel and Bliensen + Maitai.
Fourth Hair Fair post: Calico Ingmann Creations, D!va and Curious Kitties.
Fifth Hair Fair post: CheerNo and [COLORS].
Sixth Hair Fair post: Discord Designs (and skinless Em).
Seventh Hair Fair post: Discord Designs, now with skin!

We jump to Gauze for the next few:

(from the Hair Fair album)

Now, I have a few Asianesque Gauze hairs, but most of them were all very, very long (or I made them longer), for the 'ghost girl' effect I was going for a couple years back. These styles are anything but derivative in this sense (though anime hair? Why yes, they certainly are). This is "Munera" which is shown in the dark purple from the "Gems" color HUD.

(from the Hair Fair album)

And this is the back of "Munera", to show both the backswept spikes, and the twin tails.

(from the Hair Fair album)

This is "Ceres", in the dark red found on the "Pyromaniac" HUD, and this is yet another one I may have to nip off and buy at the Fair.

Two other styles were included in the demo box, but not shown here.

(the "Cronos" style from the Hair Fair album; or, in other words, "Cross my heart, smack me dead, stick a lobster on my head.")

This? This is a hair lobster.

No, seriously--I like braids and all, but Hairoin's "Cronos" style would snap my neck in half! Unless the center of this hair is filled with helium, I'm not standing upright.

(from the Hair Fair album)

On the other hand, their "Heather" is fun, simple, flirty and very cute. They do make mention that they have a widely divergent style--this pretty much shows you the extreme to the everyday in two shots.

Three other styles were included in the demo box; they're not shown.

(What I'm wearing: On a Lark, for 25LT, put out a set of partial mesh corset dresses for L$25 each. This is the Fern variation, wearing the size Small mesh corset; it's worn with My Ugly Dorothy's July group gift [seriously: join the group, get the skin, couldn't be simpler, plus I like the way she makes skins anyway], the belted sandals included with the Corseted fern dress, and Avatar Bizarre's heterochromatic eyes in Green and Violet. Windlight settings are ".AnaLu. default3".)