22 July, 2012

she can't hear your voice, she can't hear you call

First Hair Fair post for 2012: Argrace, Bliss and Alice Project.
Second Hair Fair post: Alli and Alli, Amacci and Analog Dog.
Third Hair Fair post: Battle Angel and Bliensen + Maitai.
Fourth Hair Fair post: Calico Ingmann Creations, D!va and Curious Kitties.

(from the Hair Fair album)

And back to Hair Fair posting. This is CheerNo's "Osmar" hair, a male style but with potential for women who favor a more retro, unisex look; and

(from the Hair Fair album)

the one that baffled me completely, the "Chicane" style. Does this come with the antler crown, or is that part of the demo? Are those antlers? Maybe it's coral. Wait, there's a coral crown included with this hair? What?

Actually, screw the hair--can we just buy the antler/coral crown? Because that would be fun.

One more style was included in the demo; it's not shown.

(from the Hair Fair album)

This is [COLORS] hair, style no. 58, in Light Pink. This is pretty strictly a mens' style shop, but they can be easily worn by women, as you see here. This one's a simple, shag-cut near-pixie style that can be easily worn by any sex that favors short hair.

(from the Hair Fair album)

And this is style no. 59, in Medium Gray; it's a similar short style, but it's center-part over an angled right-part; there's also a little more flip to the ends.

Two more styles were included, but not shown. You can find their booth in Sand at the Hair Fair.

(Worn for this entry: Nomine's "Pinstripe" dress (non-Empire waist version), SN@TCH's "Dauphine" stockings in Beige, Dulce Secrets' androgynous "Snow" skin, and Mayfly's "Liquid Light" eyes, in London Fog W2.)

(And you may have noticed the Windlight color-shifting in this entry and the last one. Because I'm having to relog every two demos--I wish I was kidding, but more demos just refuse to attach--I'm trying to pick the same setting [namely, Nam's Optimal Skin and Prim still], but the day cycle variant is just too much to deal with on top of the animation stuttering and the viewer flipping out.)


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