26 July, 2012

up on Melancholy Hill, there's a plastic tree

First Hair Fair post for 2012: Argrace, Bliss and Alice Project.
Second Hair Fair post: Alli and Alli, Amacci and Analog Dog.
Third Hair Fair post: Battle Angel and Bliensen + Maitai.
Fourth Hair Fair post: Calico Ingmann Creations, D!va and Curious Kitties.
Fifth Hair Fair post: CheerNo and [COLORS].
Sixth Hair Fair post: Discord Designs (and skinless Em).
Seventh Hair Fair post: Discord Designs, now with skin!
Eighth Hair Fair post: Gauze and Hairoin.
Ninth Hair Fair post: Rosy Mood and [kik].

And onward!

We just might have a problem with LaViere:

Script trying to trigger animations but PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission not set Script trying to trigger animations but PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission not set Script trying to trigger animations but PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission not set Script trying to trigger animations but PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission not set 

Hopefully that's just the animation for the bag hold that's going off, not the part of the script that actually sends the hair demos!

(from the Hair Fair album)

Would I like this style as much if it weren't in five separate colors? Probably not, because if I desaturate the photo and stare at it, it just seems overly busy and cumbersome.

It's from L+N Signature...I think, because even though that's what the demo box said, all the demos themselves came up as "maker unknown" and when I went to Search to help with tracking them down, the only "L+N Signature" that turned up said they were a steampunk shop, with no mention of hair.

Designers, please help us out--include a landmark to your store, if not a landmark and a notecard. Thanks.

There were five other styles in the demo box; only "Amalthea" is shown, because I'm just not sure I'm sending people to the right place.

(from the Hair Fair album; Lamb's "Eraserhead" style)

So, I'm going to go out on this limb and say that Nirans' viewer has a perceptible, repeatable, consistent flaw (at least on my machine), where mesh is concerned: namely, mesh hair paired with either a tattoo layer or an alpha layer has a very high likelihood of stripping off my skin. While I decide if I'm going to jump ship to yet another viewer, this is the "Eraserhead" male style from Lamb. It sits on a close-cropped hair base and is fairly attractive as a unisex short style.

(from the Hair Fair album)

This is "Falling" from Lamb in Powder; mesh hair, but it moves really well (and I'm not wearing the alpha layer; I like having skin).

(from the Hair Fair album)

I really can't decide if I like this or not. Oh, it's pretty enough, and as with all mesh hair, it flows really well--but even if I wear the alpha layer, it still has some side-of-the-head problems, and--as rigged mesh--it cannot be adjusted.

There were five total styles in the demo box; only these three are shown.

(from the Hair Fair album)

This is +LALA Moon+'s "You're Mine" style in Ash Beige. This is a smooth, sophisticated style, and though there are minor clipping issues along the shoulders, it's only with certain of my poses. This may be another one I'm going to have to go down and get.

There were five styles total in the demo box; only "You're Mine" is shown. You can find +LALA Moon+ on the Water sim at Hair Fair.

(from the Hair Fair album)

This is the "Natasha" style in Faded Ginger from LaViere. The alpha for this one's a bit tricky: while it does remove the bit of scalp that shows through when wearing the hair, that same bit can protrude pretty damn easily again with certain poses.

(from the Hair Fair album)

And this is "Valere" in Raspberry. Shorter, still a sleek, fun style, but also requires an alpha layer. Good news: it doesn't clip as much in rotating poses. So yay for that. (Also, wau, does this shade go well with the dress.)

Six total styles came in the LaViere box; I'm only showing these two. You can find LaViere on the sim Sand at Hair Fair.

(What I'm wearing: The "Gemma" minidress from Absolutely Smitten, Clockwork eyes in Baby Blue from =HooT= [that's a Marketplace link; she doesn't appear to have those up for sale, but drop her a line and she might track them down], Baby Monkey's "Mia" bow pumps in Gold Moire [I'm not sure they're going to be seen, but Curious Kitties' all-over twining hair made me paranoid], and cStar Limited's "Miss Leo 2012" gacha skin in Light Beige. [Note: there's a round of 26 skins in all on the roof of the store, they're currently L$13 each, but that's going to go up by L$1 each day until the promotion is over.]

(And the Windlight setting is "Bree's appleblossom".)