04 October, 2022

a monster in my heart, a ghost inside my chest

So, being behind on blogging as I am, I decided to take in a bit of Shop n' Hop, starting in Tinseled, because of course, that makes sense, right? But some of the decor in Lulu's booth just seemed appropriate.

So let me show you my new favorite floating thing while I'm there, the Gruesome Relic Soul Reliquary from /Vae Victis\.

The Gruesome Relic Soul Reliquary.

As expected with designs from this brand, the detail's gorgeous, and it auto-defaults to hovering just below the left hand.

Closer look at the Gruesome Relic.

I believe it's a porcupine skull in the orb? At least, it looks like one.

The Gruesome Relic HUD

The HUD for the Gruesome relic gives you a lot of options, as well, with three things to tint--the skull inside the orb, the orb, and the cross.

It's see-through!

The orb around the skull is transparent. I knew that already, but I amused myself holding it in front of the jack o'lantern for far longer than I should have.

The Gruesome Relic at an angle.

Now, the only down side I've found: since it's solely locked to the left hand descending, any pose you have that raises your left hand will raise the relic. Can't be helped. Sometimes it works, sometimes--like here--it raises at a 90-degree angle.

Someone needs to put out an AO solely for people holding floating things.

But that aside, if you just want a great picture, flip up a static pose and grab the best angle.

And remember, this is a prize for MadPea's Spooktacular Halloween hunt, which I'm curently debating picking up a HUD to run. The prizes are generally good, I'm not saying not, I'm just--do I really need a Spectral Blaster, and a Spectral backpack, and a teensy little retro ghost-hunting car? (The L$500 level HUD.) Or do I just need the basics, the ability TO hunt down everything? (The L$100 HUD.)

Either way, you'll find this hidden at the /Vae Victis\ main store, in the Dreaming God's fortress. Happy hunting!