09 October, 2022

the ghost of what's left of me all but vanished

Figured, since they're on the same sim, might as well blog one of Arkivet's latest releases, those being: the Spires of Ennui horns. I went to Helltown to show them off.

Arkivet's 'Spires of Ennui' horns.

Hmm. Nary a skeleton in sight, and the sim says it's called "Woodbury"? But these are the horns in bright pink (sort of hard to tell with the red facelight I have on) with a purple glitter channel.

Arkivet's 'Spires of Ennui' horns.

I think the scariest thing about Helltown is that it's a tract housing development. And to be fair, that is kind of terrifying...but I think I was given the wrong landmark. Let's relocate, but for this shot, I had the dark blue unruned for the horns, and white in the channel.

Arkivet's 'Spires of Ennui' horns.

We're now at...uh..."Ashley's Haunted Haouse"...well, that's what I get for hitting a random haunt. And it definitely had creepy moments; still found myself edging past this Weeping Angel because I have Doctor Who statue trauma. :D The horns are green now, with a gold channel.

Zombie game rips at the 'Haunted Haouse'.

Why am I even surprised at this point that there's game rips? It's getting so you can't walk through a haunt without finding one. Here's two.

(I don't count the Weeping Angel; it's based on an existing property, yes, but that's original mesh when it was released. There was no game to steal from.)

Arkivet's 'Spires of Ennui' horns.

A little vaporwave for the soul--this time out, it's tinted teal on the horns, with a bright pink channel.

Now Silent Hill game rips? No, done with this.

Nope, Robby was too much, done with this haunt. One out of five skulls, and that only for the creative use of the Weeping Angel.

The back of the 'Spires of Ennui' horns.

Anyway, back to the Spires of Ennui. The HUD gives a rich variety of options--in this pic, I'm wearing the gold runed with the lava channel, but they have in total thirteen different runed options, twelve different plain horn options, and fourteen different channel options--the glowy, flowy bits on the inside.

Arkivet's 'Spires of Ennui' horns.

You can find them at Dreadmorne Township's Videoland Horror event--just inside the door, next to Ambix's booth, with the Eye Dogs. They'll run you L$400 to acquire, but well worth the buy-in for the functionality alone. And yes, as you can see above, they scale! I finally decided to check, and this is them at 25% down from the start size. Yay!