13 October, 2022

entangled in the loneliness, the memory of innocence

I seem to have really awful luck this year on finding good haunts, so--finally decided to go with what the Lindens recommended. And now I'm at Laurel's Nightmare.

The first room in Laurel's Nightmare.

So the first room told me the conceit of this haunt--namely, pretty accurate reproductions of horror films. Each one has the movie poster, or something representing the movie, and then a scene suggestive of same.

'ware of spiders.

This is ostensibly the Mummy room, but--arachnophobe warning. I did my best to crop out the actual spiders hanging in the webs, but hoo boy, are there a LOT of webs.

I need an old priest and a young priest, stat!

Of course there's going to be a room referencing the Exorcist.

This looks familiar. The set of rooms for Alien.

So, after my first reaction, I got what this room was--namely, reproducing a section of the Nostromo from the first Alien film--but at first, I blinked and went "wait, did I port back to Tannhauser Gate accidentally?"

Because somewhere, on Tannhauser, there's a set of rooms that are very similar to this set piece...

Welcome to Camp Crystal Lake.

And now we're in Jason territory, and this area is just rife with the jumpscares. It's also the first room I remember that you will actually get stabbed, sawed, wounded...It won't be the last, but it is the first.

We have such sights to show you...

And I won't lie, I'm pretty sure it's due to having recently seen the Hellraiser remake, but this room seriously made me stop breathing for a moment. But it's also really gorgeously done--the moving floor is stellar, and it very much feels like we're in a puzzle box, looking at a puzzle box, standing on a slowly solving puzzle box.


All in all, there's a lot of different rooms, and while it's mostly a walk through various horror films, over being a more traditional haunt, that's not a bad idea. I liked it, I'd say seriously four out of five skulls. Worth a trip if you have some time to kill.