11 October, 2022

don't come searching when I go missing

Am I bored tonight? Not really...more seeking distractions from the meatspace world. So, hie me off to Haunted Memories!

The Haunted Memories barn.

We apparently start off in...a...barn?? Maybe this is a dance space, and the haunt is the rest of the sim?

Never use a pitchfork on your bundled corpses. It gets messy.

This guy does not look comfortable.


Touching the chest under the "Don't Touch" sign got me bats! Why would I mind that?!

(I did pull this one into edit--it's available on Marketplace for L$125. That's definitely something to acquire for later...)

Hit and run.

Sim seems fairly accident-prone.

The tall ghost.

Wau. You are really tall.

hI hate seeing game rips.

Hello, game rip...

Hanging tree, complete with skellybones.

I take it back...you're really tall.

All in all, I'll knock them one skull for the game rips, but that still leaves them four out of five, because they've done a lot to make things generally creepy without being completely overdone. If nothing else, it's a quiet stroll with some haunted sounds, and that's not bad at all.

Even better, it's laid out with enough forest paths that you could easily attach a horse from inventory and ride around the sim. Which sounds like a very good thing to do in a few days, actually.