14 April, 2019

I turn my vehicle beneath the river, west from south

So what happens when you go from here:

to here:

Well, if you're me, you do a lot of adjusting. You do find you miss changing species on a whim, but the flip side of that is, it's easier to accessorize, dress, and behave solely behind one face. Some days you think you'll lose the knack of shifting, lose the behaviors that came instinctively under different skins. But you adapt.

So what happens, then, when you go from here:

back to here:

Me, I found myself shopping for furs.

I don't mean coats. I mean, I spent a few hours strolling through Marketplace, and tracking down potential options for Kemono mods. I'm still looking for a good Arctic Fox mod--I've found some potentials for red fox mods, but I'd have to buy a separate head for the look. I found some pretty interesting spotted cats--or at least, spotted Kemono mods, because the Kemono avatar is sort of a cat, sort of a rabbit, sort of an anime creation all its own-- and a possible for the Arctic I'm actually looking for, but it has dark legs. I'll have to decide if that scotches it or not. Happy Paw's fox mod would also necessitate buying a separate head, though it looks better. (This also would require buying yet another head, but that look is very, very tempting on its own.)

There's also a Somali cat mod, which almost works on its own.

I'd also like to replace my former white bunny and black bunny, but looking through the Kemono options, I may have to give up and look for a full anthropomorphic rabbit avatar. Which is a larger investment than I wanted to make, because I already have the Kemono.

I'm also not crazy with the Siberian tiger options.

The ultimate search, though, didn't start earlier. I've been searching for about two years now, for a decent, fully furred and spotted (or striped) Maitreya skin. There's the Nekotron Mi'qote skin, but...it's not convincing enough for me, plus I'd have to wear the M3 Venus head, which I have, but I only wear it with the Kemono avatar, because it's very anime-girly. There's also the Tigra skin and the Leoparda skin, both from Catseye, which might be more useable because they also sell matching system skins. But again, they're just...not enough. No real face stripes, very few stripes or spots overall.

There's also throwing caution to the wind and investing in the Roxy system, but there's two distinct problems with that option, too. It requires the Paws head as well, and it's only Omega appliers. For a full cat, it might be awesome, but what I want for the Maitreya is the ability to wear a system skin (for my system head) and an applied Maitreya (or Omega) layer for the body skin. Because with this, I'm not looking for a full cat--I'm looking for a fully furred neko, a la the old Boneflower skins.

It's a puzzlement. But I'll work it out. Still, it might be time to get back to shifting again.


Anonymous said...

slips a few things under your door.






Emilly Orr said...

Hello again.

Malkia I'd looked at, and didn't like the last time I demoed it, but that was before I was in mesh. So I'll try it again. They only have demos at their main store (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Summer%20Palace/163/93/22), but I'll go see what I can grab.

Bounce won't work--their fox face is...strange, and they don't have either a white fox (sort of programmed for that), or anything striped.

The Kitteh tattoo would kill my standard back tat, but, I am heavily going to consider it because it does work on both mesh and classic. Good find.

Some of the demos are missing from Pixel Puss, at least on MP, but I grabbed the SnowTigress to figure out if I like the face.

And you know my problem with Lerochelle Destiny, but from what I've seen in her store, she seems to have abandoned her copybotting ways. So, I'll take the risk. I've taken demos, and put the full versions into the wishlist.

Thank you for doing this!