24 April, 2019

electric fences line our new freeway

There are things in this video analysis that I've missed over the years, and I can't count the number of times I've seen the original Psycho. It's a brilliant breakdown.

To that end, there's also Super Eyepatch Wolf's evaluation of The Shining (the Kubrick original, mind) and why it's so unnerving to this day. Some of this I learned by reading interviews over the years, some of it, amusingly, came out of the conspiracy-laden film Room 237--which is also mentioned in Wolf's review--but some things were new.

[10:24] Kxxx Exxx: ~~~This is A Full Contact message! Please Read.~~~Alright its that time again. theres a lot of people that are on my list that are no longer active and its been a few years since the last time i cleared out my list. if you guys could message me back after you read this so i know your still active that would help out greatly. just say hi or wave or something so i know your still active so i know not to delete you off my list. Hope everyone has a great rest of the day! *Waves*
[10:25] Rxxxxx Ixxxx: wrong box?
[10:25] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: heh heh XD
[10:25] Mxxx Kxxx: maybe
[10:25] txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: We're active -wiggles-
[10:25] mxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Please don't delete me ;W;
[10:27] Emilly Orr: There are a LOT of inactive people on my friendslist. Most of them are dead. I am NOT deleting them. You do you, but nah, I'm good here.
[10:27] nxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I'm thinking someone put that in the wrong window lol
[10:29] Emilly Orr: Oh, absolutely, I just figured I'd point it out.

Son of meanwhile...this happened, and I'm somewhat conflicted over it. On the one hand, I understand the hurt in the community--City of Heroes was dear to many of us, and the outrage that there'd been a functional version of the game running for six years in secret, I totally understand that level of outrage.

But. I do think a lot of this is pretty hyperbolic, too. City of Heroes left several years ago. I was part of one of the early public servers that ran an old version of the game, and, after a year, it was just too depressing wandering through locations I loved, that were basically empty wastelands now. It never updated, it never changed, it was just...an old version of the game. That wasn't enough, at least for me, so after that year, I gave up.

Something beloved had been broken by corporate idiots who were both heartless and stupid (especially considering that City of Heroes was actually consistently in the black month after month, and Guild Wars, the game they killed CoH to shift resources to, was canceled entirely six months later), we lost something we valued, but then we moved on. It sounds very much, reading through that article, that some people forgot the moving on part.