However, with at least adam and eve's offerings, while they do resemble some of the noble house symbols, they are not exact representations. Therefore...they skate that line, but I don't think they push past it.
This is part of the Kraken jewelry pack. This is the brooch in bright copper. It's unrigged, so it can be repositioned to a better place on the chest, and I would assume--though did not test--that if it is unrigged, it might be able to be resized.
This is the brooch in a burnished bronze. It comes in six metal colors total.
It also comes in a pendant version, also unrigged. This is the Kraken in gold.
This is it in bright silver.
And there's an included necklace thong HUD--this is it in black silk. The natural linen thong can be seen in the first pendant pictures. Not shown: the white silk option.
I also received a circle brooch with an embossed lion head on it. Shown in the bright copper again.
And this is the steel, which is a color I don't think has been shown before. The Lion pack also comes with pendant versions, and the brooch/pendant metal HUD, and the pendant thong HUD.
The blog shows all of them in silver, and they're going for L$225 a set--which, remember, includes the broach, the pendant version, and HUDs to change the metal and the necklace thong tones for each set.
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