29 November, 2018

ignorance is blinding, they tell you that it's bliss

The Newcomers' Ball this year--both sessions--was enchantingly photographed by Ms. Andrea Jones, and if any Caledonian readers have interest and haven't perused it yet, here you go. Some lovely shots of new residents to our independent states, and established ones.

In the meantime, I guess it's time once more for a public service announcement.

Meet today's living, breathing (I would assume) example. (I'll explain that in a bit.)

Listen. We all know changing just to go shopping is a pain. I get that. And some of us have the additional disadvantage of having tattoo layers, or wedding rings, or collars, or whatever we don't want to take off. Believe me, I understand that too. But this? This is ridiculous.
[11:49] Emilly Orr: So, things are a tad bit odd, as I'd just opened Gimp, and if I close it, I'm going to crash. So I'm hoping just ignoring it for a while won't cause problems.
[11:50] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: smiles * doing a bit of work?
[11:51] Emilly Orr: Well, hadn't put out a blog entry for a bit, and came across someone baffling at an event, so figured I'd edit a couple of shots and give another lesson on why it's a good idea NOT to wear every prim and scripted thing you own to high-traffic events.
[11:53] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: dare I ask?
[11:55] Emilly Orr: Full-on demon. Stood near her for ten minutes trying to figure out her head, because it was missing. Ten minutes later I gave up and just took a picture of the elaborate horns, the TWO wigs, the neck stump, and the rest of her--which was mostly poky jewelry with spikes, and something that was either leather or fur, hard to tell, because all I could see was a slash of color across one hip, and a slash diagonally across her spine--nothing else rezzed in.
[11:55] Emilly Orr: In ten minutes of standing in place.
[11:55] Emilly Orr: 120K+. AT AN EVENT.
[11:56] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: blinks
[11:56] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: then blinks again
Yeah. That color, admittedly, being black, but still.

Let me reinforce, the reason I was standing stock-still for ten entire minutes was just see what she looked like. Still no clue, her head never rezzed in.

What really kills me is the level of multiple-prim attachments she had on. Chains. Chain veils. Spikes. Spiked chains. Chained spikes. WTF?

And this doesn't just apply at Tannenbaum, it applies to all shopping events. Or, let me put things more plainly: IF YOU DO THIS YOU ARE WRONG. DO NOT DO THIS.

Okay? Okay. It costs us nothing to dress down for shopping events.Take off any huds we don't need. Put on less primmy shoes, a less elaborate outfit. Dump the attachments we can while we're going to be shopping at that event. Choose one wig to wear. While we're at it, maybe throw off the jewelry just for going to that one sim.

You can put everything on later, after you're back.

This is not hard, and believe me, it really does help down the line, both for the stability of the shopping sim, and the stability and ability to rez things in for other shoppers. It's just basic courtesy to others.