25 January, 2022

leave home, feel the wind blow

[15:17] Tree Rat (treerat): Is this thing broken?
[15:17] Iradium Piros (raaseer): No
[15:17] Baran Breen: which
[15:17] Tiana (malkia4657): Nope
[15:17] Bowno Scarbridge: Many things are broken in the world.
[15:18] Riot Hax: the thingermabob is broken the contraption is working well
[15:18] Tree Rat (treerat): Kintsugi makes it all better.
[15:18] Stitches (angrynoob): Every cog in Contraption is mal-aligned
[15:19] Tree Rat (treerat): Keeps things nice and off-beat.
Have I mentioned how much I love the Contraption store group? I really do.

Today and yesterday, and possibly over the weekend too, the SLEA--the Second Life Endowment for the Arts--is having their "Crystal Carnival". The dance stage is amazing. As I'm still recovering, I'm not going to fancy up the shots, but it deserves to be seen.


The main view just using the cam behind me--I'm the person in pale blue you can't see against the pale blue ice.


Violet Scrivener, the DJ, put up the spinning pink tree so people could touch that for ice dances. Neat.


A more complete shot of the stage.


Cam spun to the left to take in more of the build. Front right is a wood-fired pizza oven. I'm amused.


And Violet herself, dancing atop a rocking horse made of ice. Neat.


Finally, camming out behind Violet, taking in the whole dance stage.

This is beautiful. And there's so many little details you really need to be on the ground to pick up. Which, thankfully, we may get more chances to experience, with or without Violet, because--in tracking down the SLEA blog, I discovered the event is running until February 28th!

So plenty of time if you want to traipse by and view the contributions by SLEA artists to the project, dance on the ice, or listen to whomever's playing at the time. Enjoy!