25 January, 2022

leave home, feel the wind blow

[15:17] Tree Rat (treerat): Is this thing broken?
[15:17] Iradium Piros (raaseer): No
[15:17] Baran Breen: which
[15:17] Tiana (malkia4657): Nope
[15:17] Bowno Scarbridge: Many things are broken in the world.
[15:18] Riot Hax: the thingermabob is broken the contraption is working well
[15:18] Tree Rat (treerat): Kintsugi makes it all better.
[15:18] Stitches (angrynoob): Every cog in Contraption is mal-aligned
[15:19] Tree Rat (treerat): Keeps things nice and off-beat.
Have I mentioned how much I love the Contraption store group? I really do.

Today and yesterday, and possibly over the weekend too, the SLEA--the Second Life Endowment for the Arts--is having their "Crystal Carnival". The dance stage is amazing. As I'm still recovering, I'm not going to fancy up the shots, but it deserves to be seen.


The main view just using the cam behind me--I'm the person in pale blue you can't see against the pale blue ice.


Violet Scrivener, the DJ, put up the spinning pink tree so people could touch that for ice dances. Neat.


A more complete shot of the stage.


Cam spun to the left to take in more of the build. Front right is a wood-fired pizza oven. I'm amused.


And Violet herself, dancing atop a rocking horse made of ice. Neat.


Finally, camming out behind Violet, taking in the whole dance stage.

This is beautiful. And there's so many little details you really need to be on the ground to pick up. Which, thankfully, we may get more chances to experience, with or without Violet, because--in tracking down the SLEA blog, I discovered the event is running until February 28th!

So plenty of time if you want to traipse by and view the contributions by SLEA artists to the project, dance on the ice, or listen to whomever's playing at the time. Enjoy!

18 January, 2022

I've been pulling for something different, but the same is all we get

Oh, dear.


I am so not in the right place.

Save that this is Dollholic. In all its pink, pastel, twee glory.




So this is something the folks behind the Kinky event put together. It runs heavily to 'girly' colors, lingerie, and Asian-influenced makeup sets.


Don't get me wrong, there is nothing here that doesn't fit their particular concept--and there's nothing here that isn't well made, with a good eye for detail. Many of the stores I am not ashamed to say I've shopped at--precisely for this reason, they make lovely lingerie that fits well and looks good.


I just...with the name...expected less....


Pink? I guess? Like, the doll community--even now that I'm largely outside it--is more than just twee babygirls?

But hey, if it works, more power to them, I'm just really not in that demographic.

13 January, 2022

it's my pleasure to introduce to you Hell's latest arrival

I don't even anything. Why don't mesh heads make sense?


So, let me get this straight...

what new fresh hell is this?

When I wear a skin designed for LeLutka EVO-X, which I'm informed won't WORK on non-EVO-X heads, on the LeLutka Kaya EVO-X head, I get lips on my forehead and rows of teeth on my chin. But when I wear a skin designed for LeLutka EVO-X, on the LeLutka Lilly head, which is (at least as far as I know) NOT EVO-X...it works???

Make it make sense. Please. What?


(This is pre-shape adjustment, by the way. Yes. I realize I look like Meg Tilly as a space alien. I'm *hoping* that will improve later on.)

11 January, 2022

I've been playing at self-worth again, ain't it fun to play pretend?

Finally got around to unpacking the new mesh head acquired in December from LeLutka...


Good, good, that's helpful...

...and none of the skins I own that SAY they're for LeLutka EVO X--or even LeLutka original, in case I somehow didn't buy EVO--work to remove that, so...right. Setting that aside until the next time I decide to fight with it.

09 January, 2022

told you not to worry, but maybe that's a lie

Decided to set out two new KittyCats on the space station, in my apartment. Found a MegaPuss I'd forgotten about, and figured him and a companion would be fun. It's a big enough apartment, right?



This is them when they're six days old. That little bit of something with the blanket in the upper left hand corner? That's a full-size sectional couch that sits four avatars.

So, you know, small that boy ain't.


Good thing it's a large pod?

07 January, 2022

and I don't wanna be lonely so show me the way home

I have finally gotten around to buying THING, and have installed it (at least for now) in the only place it makes sense: the cathedral in Tannhäuser Gate.

Illogic of Empire by Rory Torrance

Rory Torrance is the artist behind this, and several other pieces I've bought over the past few months (they're all in Krakenstorm's welcome center, this was...bigger). To make the animated pieces move in the ways he wanted, he's said he had to write the code from scratch. I remain impressed.

He has two studios of his work: the Strangelands main studio, and the smaller Strangelands gallery in Elysium (as well as his work being part of the World Culture Hub, I believe, and I thought Soup's art gallery in Stormhold--though that may be devoted to Zenmondo Wormser's set of exhibits).

[Note from the Editrix: just learned he also has an exhibit at the UASL.]

At any rate, he's worth checking out. Definitely an eye for movement, pattern, and shape, and some strong messages in his work. I'm biased, sure, but I don't think I'm wrong.

01 January, 2022

the new cats are a bit odd

So, I decanted a cat bought some time back, because I wanted to see if I could get the incredible bicolor eyes in something without the high-shine fur:


See how pretty those are? But that's not the point of this. I want to talk about the Angel Wings sets that were a limited promotion from KittyCats:


Those are the parents, Alexei (in the Teal wings), a Tonkinese Blue Mink Tortoiseshell, and Moira (in the Pink wings), a Genesis Diamond fur.


And this is Laila, their kitten! For the special births of Angel cats, you get either a black rainbow set of wings and halo, or a white rainbow set of wings and halo.

She's also a Genesis Diamond fur, though she seems slightly paler than her mother? That could just be the lighting, though.


Of course, there are some glitches with the Angels...


And this is her while she's still young enough to be a shoulder rider. (That should last another couple of weeks.) And keep in mind, I'm only in there as a reference for size.

But still. Pleased overall. I may permapet Laila when she's old enough.