14 May, 2021

you're hiding from me now, there's something in the way that you're talking (part LXVI)

(Roleplay entry. Continued from part LXV.)

The Higgs-Boson particles drift, spin, eddy. Things shift. Things emerge, or fade. Reality reconfigures in their wake...

Chittering heard aboard the Gray Area. Similar to a solid-key typewriter imprinting on paper. Advancement of rollers moving that paper forward. Click, click, click.

Table of Contents

1. Subject:空兰–SRN:0
.. 1. found artifact: FBI iPhone surveillance wire transcript, attached to field report from Special Agent Hank Armitage
..... 1. Conversation Transcript
..... 2. Notes
.. 2. found artifact: Summary Report on the Disappearance and Reappearance of Vanderdecken Carrier /Orchid/
.. 3. Table@Leng
.. 4. holographic image exfiltration passively intercepted by Gearhaven Security during the Countess' rezday party

1 Subject:空兰–SRN:0
Initializing lore file for subject-entity of interest, identified as 空兰.

Nature of Entity: unknown Scope of Entity: unknown Intentions of Entity: unknown Disposition of Entity as Threat/Asset: unknown

Known Affiliations:
• Companion's Guild, Bó'ài Hónglián Age-Branch

Unidentified Affiliations:
• indeterminate
Corresponding evidentiary records of affiliation attached.
1.1 found artifact: FBI iPhone surveillance wire transcript, attached to field report from Special Agent Hank Armitage

1.1.1 Conversation Transcript
The Black Man stands in the corner. The Empty smiles and waves. "Hello. Please, be comfortable. It is good to see you again."

The Black Man stares. The Empty answers. "Oh no, it's nothing really. I have no agenda. Just some flirting Desire...you know that's how I work. I'm not sure I should have to explain that."

The Black Man stares. The Eyes of the Black Man flicker. The Empty tilts the head, bashful. "Well, I suppose. This kind of existence we're discussing, it always comes with its odds and ends, its freedoms and limits. No one will bat an eye if I push a little; that's everyone's point. But it won't be..."

The Black Man stares. The Eyes flicker. The Empty scoffs. "If you'd let me explain..."

The Black Man stares. The Eyes burn, points of maddening light. The Empty stares back. The Eyes are met, maddening lights mirrored by loving darkness. A smile. "...you see? I just need a little room, that's all. There's so much. You might even forget I'm here."

The Black Man stares. The Eyes narrow. The Empty winks, speaks, flirtatious. "Wouldn't that be fun again?"

The Black Man leaves. The Empty remains, grins, purring, wistful. "Ohhh...me too."
1.1.2 Notes
The following anomalies are present regarding this artifact:
1) This text is the entirety of what is marked as a transcript of audio and video surveillance through a monitored consumer mobile device. The format of this transcript is therefore suspiciously non-compliant with the standard formats for transcribing recordings among the FBI and other intelligence offices of this period.

2) The model of consumer device being monitored is listed as an "iPhone 9-ARK"; this model is not among any of the series 9 iPhone versions developed but never released.

3) The transcript consists entirely of symbolic narrative prose and incomplete speech, the whole of which should discredit this entry entirely as an evidentiary transcript of a conversation. Similar records exist within clones of FBI investigative records from this era, albeit contextualized to inform the development of an investigation, the aid of a prosecution, or acts of aggression deemed necessary to the business interests of the FBI, its investors, or the personal interests of constituent employees. No such context for this inclusion as-is is intact in available records.

4) This text appears to have been added to Special Agent Armitage's preliminary reports on the activities of Dunwich children's author and occult terrorist, Ezra Whateley, which presents several temporal inconsistencies. Most known timelines record the death of both Special Agent Amitage and Mr. Whateley between 2010 and 2012, shortly before the bottled lightning storm incident in Santa Monica. Most known timelines record the development of the series 9 iPhones between 2014 and 2019, moving closely with the death of Steve Jobs. All timelines wherein this record appears show Armitage's reports sealed and either destroyed or tendered to SCP agency, Delta Green or analogous operations by 2013, with this transcript already present.

5) The paper upon which the transcript was printed includes a watermark resembling the D'Ni word for "kiss" at a 96% accuracy of reproduction, suggesting it was penned by a novice of the Craft.

6) No other searchable records clearly indicating the participants, setting or context of this conversation exists within searchable records contemporary to The Children's Necronomicon Ages exist.

Query of non-indexable experts may yield further information. Suggesteded non-indexable subject experts include: dreamers, D'Ni.
(Continued in part LXVII.)