16 September, 2020

so if I decide to waive my chance to be one of the hive

This one's...odd. I've anonymized both people and group, though I was tempted not to, because it was all tied up in what was happening in this group, but...what if this kind of thing is happening in other groups, too? So covering it on the 'for what it's worth' terrain, because while I've never run across this oddity, maybe others have?
[11:32] Mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Hi! I'm new to the group. Are all items listed in the notecard 69L?
[11:32] mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: WTF!!!!!!
[11:33] Pxxxxxx Cxx: holy overreaction, Batman!
[11:33] rxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: llmao
[11:33] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Really. And yeah, they should be.
[11:33] Mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I'm at Lepunk and the face wounds are.....never mind. It's coming as 69L now. haha
So, all's well that ends well, right? Question asked and answered, we can all move on...but while the question was being answered, I went to pull up the group profile to nab the notecard. And...couldn't.
[11:34] gxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i cant get the notice
[11:37] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Oh...that's....interesting. I didn't see the group info icon on this chat, so went to my groups...not in the group, when I used to be....so started pulling names randomly from this chat...and none of the people in this chat so far has the group visible, at least? Now I'm intrigued.
[11:38] gxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hmm thats weird i used to be in the group aswell did the group went pooooof?
[11:38] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): And...the group's not findable in search?
[11:38] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): HOW WAS THIS GROUP CHAT STARTED??
Reasonable question, right? I didn't have the group anymore. Why not? I hadn't left it. Why was it gone?
[11:38] Axxxxx Rxxxxxxx: im confused about what group :O
[11:38] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and i am not in the group
And that's another whole question, isn't it? Why is she getting a group chat popping up from a group she doesn't even belong to?
[11:38] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): The {name of group in question}
[11:39] Axxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ah
[11:39] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Are you not in that group either?
[11:39] Axxxxx Rxxxxxxx: nope left recently
[11:39] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I am so confused
[11:39] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lmao
[11:39] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ghostgroup
No lie.
[11:39] Axxxxx Rxxxxxxx: l.O
[11:39] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) hums the Twilight Zone theme
[11:39] Axxxxx Rxxxxxxx: run ghostsss
[11:40] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: {group link, which I couldn't find, but go her for doing it}
[11:41] Axxxxx Rxxxxxxx: weird :O
[11:41] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Well, I was able to join that, but I was a member before...
Because it was a group that had brought me some nifty items on sale, I wanted to stay in it. But then, I never left in the first place...
[11:41] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I'm with [Mxxxxxxx], WTF?
[11:42] Axxxxx Rxxxxxxx: {group link posted again}
[11:42] Axxxxx Rxxxxxxx: seraphim had group link l.O
[11:43] Sxxxxx Cxxxxxx: [sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx] NoSpam please
[11:43] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oops
[11:43] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: but it was no group here O.O
[11:43] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: strange
[11:44] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I don't think it's spam, [Sxxxxx], I think it's honest confusion
What exactly was "spam" in any of the above, anyway? That's also confusing.
[11:44] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I got a conference chat here itm
[11:44] Sxxxxx Cxxxxxx: To see the group on your profile, you just have to go to the group information and check the box that says "show it on my profile"
[11:44] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Right....and I didn't have it
[11:44] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): And I hadn't left it
[11:45] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): That's the question
I still think it's a valid question.
[11:45] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: 'i am not in the group at the moment, [Sxxxxx]
[11:45] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) points at [Sxxx]
[11:45] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): And that's the question, too
Because if neither she nor I were in the group, how did we get pulled into the group chat?
[11:45] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: spooky
[11:45] Axxxxx Rxxxxxxx: O.O
[11:46] Sxxxxx Cxxxxxx: maybe you left the group, but the chat was already open :P [11:46] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): See, and no
Because, while that is something that can happen--you can leave a group, or be bounced from a group, but if the group chat's still open, it won't close unless you close it, or relog. That's a known fact. But that's not what happened here. I thought I was in the group, but for whatever reason, I was removed, and I wasn't the only one.
[11:46] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ehm i am online since a few minutes
[11:46] Sxxxxx Cxxxxxx: if you need : {posted sale group UUID again}
[11:47] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: thankies
[11:47] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Chat opened, I didn't have the group info icon
[11:47] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I don't have it now, btw, in this chat
[11:47] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: the icon is green
[11:47] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I went to my groups to click info to get it, didn't have the group
[11:47] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I went looking for the group in search, didn't turn up
[11:47] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: spooky green O.O
[11:48] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): And some in this chat are saying they're not in the group at all
[11:48] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: are you all real?
[11:48] Axxxxx Rxxxxxxx: O.O green omnimous
[11:48] Uxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: we is all bots
[11:48] cxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I'm also not finding the group in my group list. I know I was once, but not now
Which means at least three of us had been in the group, and weren't afterwards, and one was never in the group at all, so...what's going on?
[11:49] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): So, y'know, if you have any answers, [Sxxxxx], be great to hear them, otherwise, we're just trying to figure things out
[11:49] Sxxxxx Cxxxxxx: maybe lag, or maybe SL issues. maybe everything is fixed with a relog
[11:49] Pxxxxxx Cxx: can we fix 2020 with a relog?
[11:49] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Don't I wish
So ultimately, no resolution, no answers, just--"Relog, it'll be better then"? That doesn't answer anything. I'm still confused as to what happened. And why.