12 June, 2020

I'm all dressed up and naked, I see what's mine and take it (part II)

Back from part I of the Vintage Fair posts!

Art Nouveau Pink We pick up again with the deep pink velvet, with pink jewels along the collar.

Art Nouveau Purple

This is the rich purple velvet, with purple jewels. In certain of my poses, the dress does 'break' across the front, but not badly--usually inn moves where one leg is farther forward. No other alpha clicks were needed for me to wear this. So, I'd assume dancing will also occasionally 'break' the mesh, but not badly.

The three colors of metal for the collar are silver, gold, and rose gold. Not shown for some reason: the Gold velvet.

Art Nouveau Cafe

Now, we have the silk gown set. Same as before--ten shades of fabric, ten jewel tones, three metal tones. This one is the pale, rich brown, nearly a cafe au lait with yellow topaz jewels. I took this from the side so the seaming can be shown--there, but not obtrusive, very close as a similarly-styled gown from the era would have them.

Art Nouveau Cobalt Silk

This is the royal blue silk with blue jewels.

Art Nouveau Emerald Silk This is the emerald silk, which honestly could be taken as either emerald or a deeply toned rich teal, with teal/cyan faceted jewels. It also displays that slight bit of mesh breakage at the front.

Art Nouveau Black Silk

The black silk, with the black jewels in the collar. Also, I figured out something with the jewel color settings--the two stones in the middle, diamond and onyx, control not only the complementary shade through the collar, but the other jewel pairs also. So selecting black jewels, then picking between the diamond and the onyx jewels, changes the rest, which is why this shot features a solid black collar.

The white silk gown, shown with white diamonds.

On to part III!

(End bits:

(The gown set is sized for Maitreya, Slink Hourglass, Slink Hourglass Petite, Slink Original and Slink Original Petite. I'm showing it on a Maitreya body, but a HEAVILY altered one, which means in some outfits, I wear Maitreya, some I wear Slink Hourglass. All shots were taken on Time Portal's sim. Flower crown is from Persephona, comes in a variety of tones--I'm showing the Red Poppy tone--and has a clickable feature to change the pearls around the flowers.)