28 March, 2020

and I don't know how I ever thought that I could make it all alone

Good Housekeeping put together a list of when and how to wash your hands, and the proper techniques to do so. If nothing else, all of this is reinforcing the importance of clean hands.

Meanwhile, if pictures work better, how about the official NHS handwashing diagram? Those pictures are clear and the descriptions fairly simple. Or...and I do hesitate to link this, because it is very unsafe for work...have the naked from the waist up version. (In my defense, it did actually help me with one area--I wasn't quite getting the circle-fingernails-in-center-of-opposite-palm motion. So...there's that.)

There's a new cabin out this week from Trompe L'oeil. This time around it's a lovely A-frame with accompanying chairs. (First link is for pictures, second for location. The first link also mentions the no-group-necessary hunt at Dench Designs for a few random furnishings.)

Meanwhile, this is a list of very caring merchants who have put out "Stay at Home" gifts to encourage seclusion. Some of the vendors may require purchase of a Linden, but all are free, so it will be refunded.

And all I have left is to encourage readers to comply with shelter-in-place restrictions, if at all possible. Most other countries seem to have this down, but I've seen far too many posting-from-the-pub shots from the UK for my liking, and in the states...it really seems like a third of the country is staying home and trying not to get sick--or sicken anyone else--and the other two-thirds, including many of our elected officials, are behaving as if this is no worse than the common cold.

It's worse. It's much worse. And it can--and has--caused permanent lung damage in people, so those who go out and flaunt the restrictions, then get it, may not only get sick, but end up needing inhalers or respirator equipment for life. And it's not just hitting the elderly--it's hitting everyone. Everyone from birth to death is at risk. So please, please take care of yourselves, and those around you.

Because it's not just your life you risk, it's other lives...but it's also lung damage, which you may be left with for the rest of your life. Hear that if nothing else.