10 March, 2020

your eyes are like two jewels in the sky

{Decided far, far after publishing, this should probably be under the roleplay tag officially.}

The Silhouettes Club stage

I finally had an opportunity today to travel to the Isle Du Noir, and the Silhouettes Club. First things first: just as Jadida Mondrago presents a specific view of steampunk (post-Victorian Arabic, in their case), so Isle Du Noir does for dieselpunk--in their case, filtered through the view of a Caribbean port d'escale marchand, a home for pirates des Caraïbes, and interested others, contrebandiers, les commerçants, and simple travelers alike. A small, but significant, island nation.

The piano at Silhouettes

Dieselpunk is intriguing on its own. One, because it's such a varied era setting--essentially, anywhere from the early 1920s to mid- to late-1940s, which covers a LOT of changes--socially, musically, in fashion, in representation--but that also means there's a lot of room to move when adapting to the era.

An...attendee...at Silhouettes

Of course, some never got the memo...I had to fairly significantly figleaf her, too, because head-on you could clearly see nipples and...other bits.

[12:32] Vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx smacks her butt suggestively
Kind of clueless in more than one sense, too. Which...I'd normally ignore, because a) not my sim, not my rules, and b) it's intended, by everything I've heard, to be a sort of alternative adult playground...save for one thing. The sim's moderate. I am fairly sure nothing about Ms. V qualifies as "moderate".

A nun walks into a bar with a Mexicano farmer...

There's not a lot of info on her profile to make that connection, per se,, but considering her SL bio implies heavily she was looking to become a high-powered lawyer and threw it all away for a dominant, I think I can read between the lines. There's also this:
"The only gift one can offer is its self. The last decision a true slave will ever make. To offer its self.
"This slave craves to be under total and full restrictive control as any true slave would. It's ability to communicate and act upon its own removed from its life. All communications, interaction and travel will be under the Dominant's control and observation. Plain and simple it is an object and property. It is to be respected and dealt with as any such, property owned by another."
Hoo boy. Okay, look. It's a wide world. There's a whole lot of ways to do a whole lot of things. I get that. But unless the sub knows their dominant very well, and trusts them completely...24/7 submission is so dangerous. And TPE, total power exchange, is a very easy way to explode relationships, personalities, self-esteem, self-worth... unless both parties know what they're doing.

And, at least in SL, I've seen dozens of subs--and a fair amount of doms--who say this is exactly what they want, when in truth, they have no clue what they're demanding.

The view from the Silhouettes Club

And I won't lie, I've met some 24/7 sorts who seem very happy. Some have even completely depersonalized, so they're no longer Sally Smith from Albequerque, say, but 0171235, registered and ID-tattooed--or branded. (Note: that last link goes to a NSFW site, but more for the actual branding being shown than the nudity. Still, there is both, so it comes with a warning.) There's one lass I knew a while back who spent a consistent amount of time traveling between England, her home, and Dubai, where her dominant was--and every time she did, she traveled in a 100% covering, black latex burqa--frankly, the first one I'd ever heard of. And some trips, even that was not enough for her "owner", so he sent a handler to escort her back--because she needed one when she was traveling with hands cuffed together and attached by the wrists to her collar, and ankles cuffed together, attached to a six-inch chain.

Doc Avalon in a very slinky gown

That is far too close to places I don't want to go. She seems happy, and that's great for her, but...that's not something I can do. I will give a great deal of control to a dominant I trust, a great deal of access, occasionally levels of honesty my partners in RL don't always get...but I am always a person, I always have personal rights, and if they can't accept that, we can't function together as a D/s pair on any level.

More furnishings in the Silhouettes Club

I am not an object, and I will never be an "it". I don't believe any human should be. But...again, that's me, that's my take on things, and that's my issues talking. Maybe it's less about personality annihilation to those that engage, and more about freedom, but me...that entire end of things is terrifying.

DJ Raquella...or Akasha...or whomever
Still, overall, it's a very pretty club, in a very pretty sim. And it was nice to see Ms. R again, though she's going by another name (and, to be fair, she pulled it off pretty well, for what was basically an Akasha cosplay). She's still an amazing DJ.

Kitty demon at Silhouettes

And I won't lie, I have been very tempted to get kitty feets for my daily avatar, but...boss-lady would not approve, so...I don't.

Plus, I'd lose the ability to wear shoes. And I like my shoes.

Ultimately, though, if you're interested in dieselpunk, piracy, era-based roleplay, or gentle villainy, this might be your island to visit. If nothing else, find out when the next event is at Silhouettes, because at the very least it's worth a look.


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