[8:40 AM] Qxxx: THE VOICES FORETOLD THIS EONS AGO!I know it's meant as a joke here, but I swear, any time someone says this or a variation of this, I just cringe.
[8:41 AM] Qxxx: ain't no god preventing this [s**t], yo!
[8:42 AM] Qxxx: stay away from me you freak! you too, you sicko!
[8:43 AM] Qxxx: You made them do it! It's fact! Fact? Fact this, you weirdo!
[8:44 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: #justaflubro
[8:44 AM] Exxxx Sxxxxx: using this [jxxxx]Pretty much, yeah. And as we've seen, it doesn't seem to take much to panic a double truckload of folks, does it?
[8:44 AM] Qxxx: Not much cause mental decline like a pandemic... or any kind of apocalyptic scenario.... many feel apocalyptic panic now, so.. lol
[8:47 AM] Lxxx Pxxx: DON'T PANIC (with the "don't" crossed out)Variations on this concept already exist.
[8:47 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: "i don't mean to brag but, This is like the tenth end of the world i've survived"Amazon emptied of all stock the first day that seclusion was announced, even.
[8:47 AM] Mxxxxxxx: "NO coughing"
[8:48 AM] Lxxx Pxxx: I survived the pandemic, and all I got was this crappy t-shirt
[8:49 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: thats more for a shirt not a wall XD
[8:49 AM] Lzzz Pzzz: Haha, true
[8:49 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: #blamegenZ is a good one tho lol
[8:50 AM] Lzzz Pzzz: And, of course, "OK, Boomer"
[8:51 AM] Mzz: lol
[8:57 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: xD
[9:04 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: wow even TP online is sold out or cant be delivered
[9:04 AM] Mzz: yepMost of the shortages, though not all, at least in the states, have resolved. It was strange to hear what was short state by state, though. Most states were gutted of paper goods, hand sanitizer, fresh meat, milk, butter--and ramenm of all things. Stores in my locality lacked the above (barring baked goods) for four days, but ramen stores were fine. Ironically, while no state seemed to have a run on fresh vegetables, I saw a lot of images of fully stocked vegan products (with the commensurate sneering about no one wants to eat them even during a pandemic)--by in my local stores? Maybe it's a measure of how heavily tilted we may be towards vegetarians, but most of the vegan/vegetarian foods were gutted as well.
[9:04 AM] Mzz: restocking in April
[9:04 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx:
[9:05 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: its cookoo
[9:08 AM] Txxx: That is friggin nutts
[9:08 AM] Txxx: So glad my daughter hid two 9 packs months ago so I bought another mega pack lol
[9:09 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: i dont hvae a tp issue myself but some friends do lol
[9:09 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: i do have a bread issue
[9:09 AM] Txxx: I have family that does
[9:10 AM] Txxx: awwwwww I got two loaves yesterday, they are cheap bread but they are bread lol. That was honestly my last worry, my grandmother gave me a bread machine so I can make my own lol. I bought yeast like last month to start giving it a try on making itWe spend a few hours resenting our building's edict against chest freezers. Considering our freezer space in the refrigerator is about the size of two 1940's-style bread boxes side by side, we would have had no issues at all if we'd been able to have small chest freezer to store plan-ahead meal kits, meats, cheese, and whatever else. But no, they are disallowed, along with waterbeds, all sources of flame, and even medically prescribed cannabis. (I am not prescribed cannabis, I'm allergic, but it has come up in conversations with other residents.)
[9:10 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: well that was my other option, getting breadmix
[9:10 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: but its sold out everywhere
[9:11 AM] Qxxx: i have a ton of TP... i always buy a 24 pack when i have 5 or so left... i had like 20 left and decided to buy a pack so now i have like 40+
[9:11 AM] Txxx: Seriously, people are off their rockers. I am down to one pack of meat. So I have to go when I get paid tomorrow and try to grab some things. But I finally found ramen noodles so the kids can live off of those.
[9:12 AM] Txxx: My fingers are crossed that these crazy folks back off and the stores get restocked quickly lol
[9:13 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: i mean i get over here, when they impliment the same rules as italy that u cant go outside for like 2-3 weeks ( which they plan on doing tomorrow ) , that u want enough stuff for 2 weeks but ppl are buying stuff to last them 6 momths lol
[9:13 AM] Qxxx: i have 2 smallish freezers full of stuff... my parents have 3 huge freezers full so we dont need to worry for ages.... just restocked some dry stuff yesterday
[9:15 AM] Txxx: My oldest son called me last night and said something about the state shutting down. I'm like they gave schools until the end of day on Wednesday to shut down so hopefully stores will wait until then. I am still fighting with my boss about the work schedule. I told her we shouldn't extend our hours. We should just keep normal hours and only do to-go ordersUnfortunately, I'm quite close to an epicenter of outbreak. Our first case was a whining elderly dowager who just could not believe she couldn't be released to go home from the Diamond Princess. I guess the quarantine officials tired of her noise and sent her on. So she was our first official case, diagnosed before she left (before anyone realized how bad this was going to get). Within a week we had at least one case in every county of the state; no one's entirely sure how it's tracing out, but the general impression is people coming down from a state harder hit, above us. And recently we went up from 24 cases total, in-state, to 114 cases total, in-state, and I expect it to spiral up from there.
[9:15 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: where are you abouts ?
[9:15 AM] Txxx: Our business was cut in half this past weekend
[9:15 AM] Txxx: Alabama
[9:15 AM] Txxx: we went from zero to 1 case to now 22 and 2 confirmed near me. One in Alabama and one in Georgia
[9:16 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: ahhhh ok , I havent been following the US situation that much , i just hear bits n bobs from pplWe just hit five hundred deaths in the US.
[9:16 AM] Txxx: its just as crazy over here
[9:16 AM] Txxx: I assure you
[9:16 AM] Exxxx Sxxxxx: its all over the world now and not stopping
[9:16 AM] Exxxx Sxxxxx:my wedding.......
[9:16 AM] Txxx: I was out all week last week with the flu, well the kiddo had the flu and then I caught his cooties because well people are hoarders
[9:17 AM] Qxxx: a woman from my town has died... 6 total in the country.... 1000+ sick
[9:17 AM] Exxxx Sxxxxx:Still a year out for a vaccine, if that soon. A cure is going to take far longer, if it's ever found.its so frustrating....come with a CURE finally!!
[9:17 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: well if u look at the stats it really is like a flu but its just i think more contagious and a tad more deadlyIt's....not, though. I know a lot of leaders tried to downplay this around the world, by saying 'Hey, the flu is worse, don't worry!"...but that was pretty high up in the stupidsphere as an idea to comfort worried people. Because now a lot of them believe it. And because they've had the flu before, and it's been no big deal, then hey, everyone's just blowing this out of proportion, right?
Wrong. Does this sound like flu? In point of fact, the way the virus attacks cells is closer to how HIV is transmitted--it's not HIV, far from it, but both this strain of coronavirus and HIV target T-cells, one of the few cells in the body that have no natural defenses against intrusion, largely because there's so many other lines of defense to pass through before reaching them. But if there's a new virus who's able to slip by the usual defenders, and target T cells directly? Very very bad things happen. Which is what we're seeing.
And don't think drinking bleach or rubbing alcohol will eliminate the virus either. In fact, have an excellent list of myths about the virus, and ways to protect from the same. Please stay safe. Please keep up hand-washing protocols.
[9:17 AM] Txxx: awwwwwwwwwwwww [Exxxx] may you can have a nice summer weddingYes, as the second video linked above points out, this strain of coronavirus is actually savagely inventive--by essentially 'hacking into' lung-tissue cells, and taking over the mini-factories producing cell components, rewiring them to pump out more virus particles--our own antibodies go on alert and attack the danger in the body--which is part of our body. It doesn't kill the virus in us, but it does a slam bang job of killing our lung cells. Which can, and has, left people with permanent breathing impairments. Joy.
[9:17 AM] Qxxx: yeah
[9:18 AM] Txxx: yeah the stats are pretty comparable.
[9:18 AM] Exxxx Sxxxxx: no not if this getting worse
[9:18 AM] Qxxx: far deadlier for the old ones
[9:18 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: [Exxxx] was planning on getting married in the US, the travel agency doesnt kow what will happen to the flights etc , the whole family booked including me xDYeah, again...no. This strain of coronavirus has a good chance to kill everyone. We have deaths of elderly people, yes. We've also had 12-year-olds struggling to breathe on ventilators in hospitals. And the population of 24-to-40-year-olds who think they're immune aren't either; we're seeing them hit hospitals in full respiratory distress.
[9:18 AM] Txxx: Only this one kills more older folks and the flu has killed more kids
NO one is safe from this. Please keep that in mind.
[9:18 AM] Txxx: oh goodnessIn point of fact, we need both--common sense, that ounce of prevention everyone's supposed to have, and a working vaccine. Chances are good, though, we'll have neither.
[9:18 AM] Exxxx Sxxxxx: its a [s**t] show
[9:18 AM] Txxx: I can imagine it is
[9:18 AM] Qxxx: we shall wed you online at [the store] if we have to!!!
[9:18 AM] Txxx: Thats why I am arguing with my boss
[9:18 AM] Txxx: I make the schedule
[9:19 AM] Txxx: So I have been dragging my feet on the schedule lol
[9:19 AM] Exxxx Sxxxxx: no Q!! thats not the same
[9:19 AM] Exxxx Sxxxxx: cant wear my dresslol
[9:19 AM] Txxx: Yeah totally not the same she needs that dress dang it
[9:19 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: shes already partnered to her partner inworld
[9:19 AM] Qxxx: you can wear it... just make it in mesh too![]()
[9:20 AM] Txxx: An SL wedding can not replace an RL wedding sadly
[9:20 AM] Txxx: My son said Canada seems to have the best handle on it so far
[9:21 AM] Txxx: So hopefully someone will come up with a cure or vaccine.
[9:21 AM] Cxxxxxxxx Bx Ixxxxx Fxxxxxx: Or people's common sense will kick in
[9:21 AM] Txxx: Pfft I am surrounded by army wivesSure, why not? Because nothing should shut down if it's just the flu, right? There are reasons these precautions have been taken. Disney has recognized this. Most bars and restaurants have recognized this. The CDC knows this full well. GameStop seems a little lost, but hey, let's hope some public shunning works in their case too.
[9:21 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: i dont get why ppl are buying so much to last them months
[9:22 AM] Txxx: These people have no common sense
[9:22 AM] Txxx: they are bitching about Disney shutting down
[9:22 AM] Txxx: Yet they are hoarding like a mofoSure, that makes sense. We were caught somewhat unprepared, as we've grown accustomed to shopping for small amounts every two or three days, but we're slowly adjusting.
[9:22 AM] Txxx: Because they think its the end of the world
[9:23 AM] Cxxxxxxxx Bx Ixxxxx Fxxxxxx: Shop for 2 weeks is not shopping for 2 centuries
[9:23 AM] Txxx: Right, I mean I typically shop for a month at a time because of the way I get paid
[9:23 AM] Txxx: and work
[9:24 AM] Txxx: I just got a deep freezer so I am gonna make sure the kids have tons to eat while I am working.Don't blame China. This could have happened anywhere live animals are being kept close to dead ones.
[9:24 AM] Mxxxxxxx: You should make the sturdy shelter that people will survive the virus outbreak, and then a dummy shelter made entirely of tp where people inside surely did not make it.
[9:24 AM] Txxx: Not a year supply but enough for the three weeks they are stuck here
[9:25 AM] Txxx: at home
[9:25 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: i just got my food delivery , dude staying a kilometer away from me "can u grab ur [s**t] out the fridgebox yourself" lol theyre not allowed to get close to ppl
[9:25 AM] Mxx: lol
[9:25 AM] Mxx: i mean it's smart.
[9:25 AM] Mxx: but
[9:25 AM] Exxxx Sxxxxx: #blamechina
[9:26 AM] Txxx: Yeah here everyone is wearing gloves and stuffNow, in M's defense, they're not wrong, per se. Gloves can help, but only if we treat them as the thin protective layer they are. Touch an uncleansed surface, then touch our faces, the glove is now a carrier of whatever was on the surface to us. Treat them as a thin protective layer, and change when we touch our face or hair, or when we touch uncleansed surfaces, and then change gloves, and they'll continue to lower the chances of transmission.
[9:26 AM] Mxx: it's just so silly looking/sounding
[9:26 AM] Mxx: yeah but see
[9:26 AM] Mxx: if you still touch your face
[9:26 AM] Mxx: gloves don't do [s**t].
[9:26 AM] Txxx: RightttttttttttttExactly.
[9:26 AM] Txxx: But I work with food
[9:26 AM] Mxx: it's droplet based
[9:26 AM] Txxx: Soooooooooo
[9:26 AM] Mxx: so mucus membranes... lol
[9:26 AM] Txxx: I am constantly yelling at people to change their glovesDepending on where this cafe owner is, this is either a terrible idea, or a psychotically terrible idea, and either way, she'll likely recieve official state/government/province orders to shut down.
[9:26 AM] Exxxx Sxxxxx: i am staying inside for the first 3 weeks!!!!
[9:26 AM] Txxx: Because for some reason I am the only food safety certified person besides the owner
[9:27 AM] Txxx: The others are afraid to take the class
[9:27 AM] Txxx: So I just get to call them idiots
[9:27 AM] Txxx: and tell them how to properly handle stuff.
[9:28 AM] Txxx: So I am used to the whole wash your hands, don't touch your face, cover your cough, wash your hands after covering your cough
[9:28 AM] Txxx: and for the love of god wash your hair lol
[9:28 AM] Txxx: Hair holds the most germs
[9:28 AM] Txxx:
[9:30 AM] Txxx: I want to [Exxxx], I really want to just stay home with my kids. I was hoping since we are a little restaurant in the middle of no where that we would close. But she seems to think because people are hitting up steak houses and clubs that her little cafe is gonna see business.
[9:33 AM] Exxxx Sxxxxx: here in belgium all the restaurants have to be closed, police are checking constantlyI don't! I don't want the end credits to my movie for a long time, thanks anyway!
[9:34 AM] Exxxx Sxxxxx: but in europe i think its worse then in the US
[9:35 AM] Txxx: If cases move any closer to us they may. I know a lot of states are limiting hours of operation and making them cut their typical capacity in half . Fast Food places have closed their dining areas and only have the drive thru opened
[9:36 AM] Exxxx Sxxxxx: i feel like i am in a movie...
[9:36 AM] Exxxx Sxxxxx:
[9:36 AM] Exxxx Sxxxxx: worldwar z and stuff....i hope the end credits come soon
[9:37 AM] Cxxxxxxxx Bx Ixxxxx Fxxxxxx: Banks here have stopped doing lobby service, just drive throughThat's not why all this started.
[9:37 AM] Cxxxxxxxx Bx Ixxxxx Fxxxxxx: And closed branches at the collages
[9:38 AM] Txxx: Yeah colleges have closed and banks here are closing the lobbies which I don't blame them
[9:38 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx:
[9:38 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: -dead
[9:39 AM] Txxx: It is hard to believe all this started because folks eat some weird [s**t].
[9:40 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: that is so going on the wallBe fair, the American midwest invented deep-fried butter. As a nation we cannot be trusted with hot oil.
[9:42 AM] Txxx: lol
[9:44 AM] Txxx: I can't wait to see this dang wall
[9:44 AM] Txxx: I have a feeling it will be sooooooooooooo awesome
[9:49 AM] Qxxx: bats are delicious.... not.... ewww ... why do peole eat weird [s**t]
[9:49 AM] Qxxx:![]()
[9:51 AM] Txxx: Idk I'm sure some of the stuff we eat is weird to others
[9:52 AM] Txxx: Like asparagus
[9:52 AM] Txxx: Okay that's not exactly bat weird
[9:58 AM] Qxxx: i love that
[10:10 AM] Txxx: All the crap Americans deep fry is weird to me and I live here lol
[10:12 AM] Moon: I knew I should have hoarded those twinkiesAt least where I am, snack foods didn't undergo the shelf-stripping that other foods did. Not sure why, and really, have no idea if it was different in other places.
[10:12 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx:zombieland
[10:12 AM] Mxxx: Lol
[10:13 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx:
[10:13 AM] Mxxx: Hahaha
[10:13 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: going on the wall
[10:13 AM] Mxxx: Woot!
[10:13 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: im gonne run out of wall space lol
[10:14 AM] Mxxx: Ikr lol
[10:15 AM] Txxx: You will need a bigger wall lol
[10:16 AM] Txxx: I wonder if the stores still have chips
[10:16 AM] Txxx: I need chips to go with my pb&j
[10:16 AM] Txxx: Also just had a work conference call and we may shut down for two weeks or close our lobbyThat's not a good sign, especially now. But I am hoping the best for him.
[10:19 AM] Qxxx: you know those extreme couponing hoarders? I bet some of them will be robbed during this hysteria
[10:20 AM] Qxxx:
[10:20 AM] Exxxx Sxxxxx: i made a spot for wall art but yeah...maybe too small for all of this
[10:21 AM] Qxxx:![]()
[10:23 AM] Exxxx Sxxxxx: i thought i made it big enoughwell [jxxxx] can do wonders with textures so...im not worried
[10:27 AM] Qxxx:
[10:30 AM] Qxxx:
[11:04 AM] Mxx:
[11:09 AM] Txxx: yall the pollen count is insane here right now. I cleared my throat as I got out of my car at the store and this woman looked me all crazy and ran to the door before me but then blocked me from going in until her husband came out.![]()
[11:10 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: i think i have corona, i'm coughing my lungs out
[11:11 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: im not kidding ...
[11:11 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: been coughing all day none stop
[11:11 AM] Txxx: Nooooooooooo, hopefully its just a cold. Though if you have healthy lungs you should be able to kick its butt as long as you stay hydrated and monitor your tempurtureYeah, that's going to cause minor panics, I'm sure. The arrival of heavy pollen + the actual flu season winding down + COVID-19? It is a fervid, toxic stew of badly-timed confluences.
[11:12 AM] Txxx: They gave me pills to relax my junk so I don't get the urge to cough because of the flu and my allergies
[11:13 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: if i die , [store] dies with it
[11:13 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: idk i got some cough syrup today from the pharmacy
[11:13 AM] Txxx: You can't die, you won't die. You will live forever, or at least another 50 years
[11:14 AM] Txxx: Its such an awkward time for this corona crap. Because Flu season is still active and now allergy season in some places.
[11:15 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: i know im sure i just have a mild bronchite or somethingOnce it's fully set in, to the point that breathing becomes difficult, yes, there is always fever, as far as I understand.
[11:15 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: no fever etc
[11:15 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: just coughin'
[11:18 AM] Cxxxxxxxx Bx Ixxxxx Fxxxxxx: If it is a tickle any hard candy helps sooth that. Will burn a candle for you [Jxxxx]I bet. Lots of dagger glances and shocked inhales.
[11:22 AM] Txxx: Regardless coughs suck big time
[11:23 AM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: suckin on ricola candies
[11:24 AM] Mxx: Flu is hitting our region HARD and pollen has started dropping so it's REALLY awkward for a lot of folks here.
[11:24 AM] Mxx: it doesn't help that you have idiots that go out in public with zero consideration for others and just cough and spit everywhere uncovered.Because no matter what we do, the foolish people remain foolish.
[11:26 AM] Mxx: we had 1 confirmed case in our county last week, who was told to "self isolate" and now we have 3, and who knows how many more who either aren't going to the doctor or aren't getting tested.That is really interesting. If so, then it's never been the "China virus", it's just been a coronavirus mutation. And could have started anywhere.
[11:27 AM] Mxx: someone had said that a healthcare professional they spoke with is suspicious that the COVID-19 was the mystery virus that ran through our area last fall that kept testing negative for all flu tests but had the same symptoms.
[11:27 AM] Mxx: So it's likely been in the states long before now... it's just spreading
[11:33 AM] Txxx: Mai it sounds like you are near me lmaoFrom the vectors I've been watching, that seems to be how it goes. This is something that spreads exponentially. It's not one infected to two, to three, and so on, it's one infected, to two, to eight, to sixteen, and so on.
[11:33 AM] Txxx: as far as the pollen
[11:34 AM] Txxx: Heck we had nooooo cases in my state last week
[11:34 AM] Txxx: friday we had one and as of last night we had 22
[11:35 AM] Txxx: Yeah I am wondering if this has been going around far longer. There was an older lady who passed away a few weeks ago from an Asthma attack. But she had had a cough since late December and they couldn't find anything wrong with herTo be fair, there are other strains of flu, and viruses in general, that hit the lungs. Like knees, lungs are not a sturdy design feature.
[11:35 AM] Mxx: I just find it funny it's correlating right along with another flu run.
[11:36 AM] Mxx: I think it's definitely connected since they are basically the same family of virus.
[11:36 AM] Txxx: I had something in the fall that kept me coughing with a slightly sore throat
[11:36 AM] Mxx: yep, I also had it
[11:36 AM] Txxx: and they swapped me for strep
[11:36 AM] Mxx: and got labeled as "mystery respiratory infection"
[11:36 AM] Txxx: and it was negativeThere's twenty cases as of this moment, so whatever protections West Virginia had, they don't now.
[11:37 AM] Txxx: and then I got labeled as a mystery strain of infection
[11:37 AM] Txxx: Nothing helped me get better just rest
[11:37 AM] Txxx: and finally my symptoms went away
[11:37 AM] Txxx: Meds seemed to make it worse as far as them trying to treat it with anti virals and antibiotics
[11:38 AM] Txxx: they were at a loss, it was so bad I went to see about having my tonsils taken out to see if it would reduce my issues
[11:39 AM] Mxx: yeah rest and clear fluids was the only thing that helped... that and some MAJOR sudafed stuff that I had hoarded away... heh
[11:42 AM] Txxx: lol
[11:42 AM] Txxx: im trying to figure out why West Virginia hasn't had a case
[11:54 AM] Mxx:Loisiana is very hard hit now. It's becoming another epicenter of mass infection, like New York and Washington.
[11:55 AM] Mxx: I could say something but I wouldn't want to offend anyone from the W.Va area
[11:55 AM] Mxx: lol
[11:55 AM] Mal: or were you making the joke, just not as obvious as I was, [@Txxx]
[11:56 AM] Txxx: Oh I probably know where your head is at on that one, I have been giving my friends there a hard time about all the Blue People in the hills
[11:57 AM] Mxx: hahaha
[11:57 AM] Txxx: Mean I knowwwwwwwwwwwww and its not to offend anyone but they admit that there are creepy things going on there. They have all made the joke themselves too.
[11:57 AM] Mxx: i mean sudafed DOES contain a key element for making meth
[11:57 AM] Txxx: haha there is that too
[11:58 AM] Txxx: But Alabama wasn't safe and we have tons of those too
[11:58 AM] Txxx: Just more spread out
[11:58 AM] Mxx: pff Louisiana isn't much better.
[11:58 AM] Txxx: oh i knowThat's fairly grim, too.
[11:58 AM] Txxx: I was there a few winters ago
[11:58 AM] Mxx: although we have an influx of more cannabis heads now than previously
[11:58 AM] Txxx: when it snowed in December and then again in January
[11:58 AM] Mxx: so meth has seen a downturn I think
[11:58 AM] Mxx: oh yeah
[11:58 AM] Mxx: that was fun
[11:58 AM] Mxx: lol
[11:59 AM] Txxx: I was stuck there because I was testifying in a trial
[11:59 AM] Txxx: lol
[11:59 AM] Txxx: So I couldn't even come back home for my appointments I had to stay my butt there. They did let me go down to NOLA for the weekend though
[11:59 AM] Txxx: and damn it smelled awful
[12:01 PM] Mxx: hahahaha
[12:01 PM] Mxx: you get used to it (if you drink enough)
[12:01 PM] Txxx: haha
[12:01 PM] Mxx: I don't live in NOLA tho
[12:01 PM] Mxx: you couldn't pay me to
[12:01 PM] Mxx: the traffic and tourists would kill me.
[12:01 PM] Txxx: Yeah that is one place I couldn't live
[12:01 PM] Qxxx: 1119 Swedes now infected
[12:02 PM] Txxx: I love it down there it is pretty to look atAnd there we end. Stay safe, everyone.
[12:02 PM] Mxx: Q I'm ignorant on Sweden's population...
[12:02 PM] Txxx: I was staying Baton Rouge
[12:02 PM] Txxx: and my ass got lost trying to find a restaurant right off of LSU's campus
[12:02 PM] Txxx: and had all my Auburn stickers on my car and ended up on campus
[12:03 PM] Txxx: I was yelling at my son who was 16 at the time that we needed to abort mission
[12:03 PM] Txxx: lol
[12:03 PM] Qxxx: 7 dead now
[12:04 PM] Qxxx: we're just above 10 million
[12:04 PM] Mxx: just looked it up lol
[12:29 PM] Qxxx: this virus is a big virus... there's 2 types of virus, one kind have no shield around the center and the other has a shield around the center.... corona has a shield... this is a good thing. It makes it easier to kill with soap, so wash your hands a lot.... also, it is heavy.... if you stay 6+ feet from people, you are less likely to get infected... touching contaminated areas is not good, so wash wash wash.... but it is not an airborne virus really, it falls to the ground pretty fast since it is so big
[5:01 PM] Mxxxxxxx: I think you guys broke Discord earlier.
[5:02 PM] Cxxxxxxxx Bx Ixxxxx Fxxxxxx: Oh?
[5:34 PM] Txxx: i have that effect on discord
[5:34 PM] Txxx: lol
[8:59 PM] Qxxx: I am so bored .... SL doesn't want to work on this laptop today for some reason, all the corona aaaall over TV nonstop, and 5am so can't really do anything at all... gah
[9:00 PM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: Play some steam games
[9:00 PM] Jxxxx hxxxxxxx: I’m off back to bed
[9:00 PM] Qxxx: i would.... my connection keeps dropping though
[9:00 PM] Qxxx: sweet dreams
[11:13 PM] Qxxx:
Am so happy to share this testimony with everyone about how i got my herpes cured from Dr. Obela the godfather of herbal medicine. I had been going from one country to another for medication for 3 years just to be cured from herpes but all seems in vain, i was confused and decided to search through the Internet if i could get any news concerning herpes so i do keep searching until i visited one particular site and i saw the great testimonies from different persons testifying how Dr. Obela has cure them from herpes and other diseases and i was shock and was thinking if this is real, after a due consideration i decided to contact him with the email address I found in the posted just to give it a trial and when i contacted him he proved to me that his herbal medicine can cure me if only i believe in him, so i requested for his herbal medicine and i got it and i applied it as prescribed and after 1weeks and 3 days of application i went for a test and to my greatest shock the herpes virus has disappeared and it was just like a dream. Today I am cured from herpes am so happy and thanking God for using Dr. Obela to cure me. so if you are out there and you are suffering for herpes cure or any kind of illness kindly contact Dr. Obela through he will help you to cure that illness. you can get in touch with him via: drobelaspellhome@gmail.com or call/whatsapp him on this number +2347084171950.. Thanks very much DR. Obela
he can also cure all type of disease like:
HIV/AID .... cancer disease......e.t.c
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