19 March, 2020

you look as good as the day I met you, I forget just why I left you, I was insane (part four)

(Continued from part three.)

The best maintenance is percussive maintenance? Anyway...

More Flamingo minis!


We start with "Flamingo Mini Heart 10W", a white mini with very hollow hearts in wine.


And for the life of me, I honestly cannot tell you whether the heart placement on this dress, "Flamingo Mini Heart11W", is so odd because I'm pushing the limits on what the Maitreya will do for the chest, or if it's just an odd placement on the top hearts. But this one is wine read, with the solid white hearts.


And the reverse, "Flamingo Mini Heart12W", which is white with wine red hearts, and it has that same odd placement across the bosom.

And now, the Kiss variants.


This one's a solid black dress with glitter-sparkle pink lips. It's called "Flamingo Mini Kiss01".


This variant, "Flamingo Mini Kiss02", is black, with the same glitter lip prints, this time in gold.


And "Flamingo Mini Kiss03", black with sparkly silver lips.

Continued in part five!

(All pictures taken in the Faerie Grotto.)