27 February, 2019

that our natural state is drowning, that our natural state is burning

First, an image of the pool in question:

This is EVH's Rock Pool. Second, why I'm showing it:
[11:09] Emilly Orr: So far, the only problem besides pose adjustment with the pool? You kind of have to jump to get out.
[11:09] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: It hits the spot
[11:09] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: well..keeps one spry
[11:09] Emilly Orr grins
[11:10] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: Maybe a set of lava stairs
[11:10] Emilly Orr: eee
I mean, I suppose I could pick up a good lava texture and a set of simple mesh stairs and toss in an animation script...but still, ow.
[11:10] Emilly Orr: Guess it would encourage people to walk quickly?
[11:11] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: Sometimes one has to learn about sacrifice. It is a morality tale
[11:11] Emilly Orr: I see.
[11:12] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: In order to achieve great heights, one must learn to let go of the things they stood upon before.
[11:13] Emilly Orr: While true, I don't think that generally means feet.
[11:13] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: What else does one stand upon but feet
[11:13] Emilly Orr just grins and shakes her head
[11:13] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: Once the feet have melted away like the past, one can crawl humbly to their goals
[11:14] Emilly Orr: Ah, it's a humility lesson.
[11:14] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: yes.
[11:14] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: People will be better off feetless
[11:14] Emilly Orr: If we learn to hover, maybe.
[11:14] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: Less mischief afoot.
[11:15] Emilly Orr: Or maybe we'll....oh, that was terrible.
[11:15] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: You knew
[11:15] Emilly Orr: I suspected, I didn't *know*
[11:15] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: you knew in your heart that it was all for the pun.
[11:18] Emilly Orr grins
[11:18] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: feel free to tell my morality tale to the girls
I'll go one better, this is groan-worthy enough to post to the blog.