Look...here's the thing. I'm an understanding person. I believe in polyamory. I believe in not treading on my partners' privacy, if they want to be with other people, and it's not understood to be a threesome or moresome situation. This is not a jealous twinge, is what I'm saying.
But I am beyond tired of logging in and being told "Hey, I have company", and I then have to invent a place to poof to that's either on a roleplay sim I'm not dressed for, or my work studio. Which a), is on a homestead so frequently I end up crashing once I port there, and b), I really only use for, well, work. Right?
And it's not the place I wanted. Hardly. While I do like both the people managing the Fantasy Skyboxes chain (a grand mix of skyboxen, ground homes and RP of medieval, fae and Game of Thrones variety), and how easy it is to rent there...it wasn't my choice. I am so not the beach bunny archetype.
And I'm going to have to remember, every time I come here, to set it for sunset or midnight, because--well, just LOOK at the first three pictures! All that sun! It's disturbing!
But...it's also cheap. Right now this annoying beach cabin is costing me L$199 per week. I can manage that. I can set home here and always have a 'home' to go to...if I get kicked out, again, of the home I have now because...there's company over who doesn't know I live there.
Cue aggrieved sigh.
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