18 July, 2013

determination grows as each truth's revealed

Continued from the last entry!

Which means we're picking up where we left off, with Enigma.

(from the Hair Fair album)

This is Isabella in Ice. It's a very curly style, I'd almost say permed, save for the length (perms and any level of length generally aren't this compatible). I don't like it as much as the first style (seen yesterday) or the style seen below, but it's well made.

(from the Hair Fair album)

This is it from the back, and I would hasten to add, this style does NOT alpha.

(from the Hair Fair album)

From the front again, to show the length (again, below the boots I'm wearing).

(from the Hair Fair album)

And from the back again, so you can see just how far it goes past those boots.

(from the Hair Fair album)

Next, Lady Galina in Ruby. But there's a hitch. Only two hairbases were included with the demo pack--the tattoo base in Ivy (which all the hairs came out of the box in), and the tattoo base in Cinnamon. I discocvered that the Isabella style doesn't really need a hairbase, so I left it off, but the Lady Galina did. And I just didn't like the tonal effect of Cinnamon hair with this skin.

(from the Hair Fair album)

So, Amacci to the rescue--kind of. During last year's Hair Fair, Amacci offered a free box of tattoo hairbases in all their color variations. I'm not the only one who held onto the box for emergency low-lag hair needs (being as it's still easier to put on a tattoo hairbase than muck around with system hair, still).

(from the Hair Fair album)

So this is the Lady Galina in Ruby, from the demo box, with the Amacci hairbase Tattoo 2 in Red, which paired okay, if not ideally, with the hair demo.

(from the Hair Fair album)

And as you can see, this is the one "short" style they offer, coming down only halfway down the me.

You can find Enigma in the Cloud sim.

(The skin's from Kre-ations; it's the "Dark side of the moon cyber version", whatever that means, but I think it was a group gift. The eyes are IKON's "Utopia" eyes in Dark Red, M pupils. The outfit's from one of the last Latex Station hunts; this is the "Spaceport" catsuit in Silver. And the shoes are from Malfean Visions, they're the IlliadCorp Boots in Quicksilver.)