15 July, 2013

found a notice on my door, while outside, the sun is shining on

Back for more Hair Fair? Yeah, me too.

(from the Hair Fair album)

First up today is Ohmai, with "Athena". I'm just wearing these out of the box, not playing about with the HUD, so unfortunately, I don't have Ohmai's names for the colors. Still, a full tester HUD comes with each hair demo, so you can pick between all of Ohmai's shades.

(from the Hair Fair album)

This is "Frankie", another nifty heavy-braid style, with added butterflies. The butterflies are a nice touch.

(from the Hair Fair album)

This is "Joan", which seems like your standard high pony, kind of average from the front.

(from the Hair Fair album)

But that braided detail in the back is to die for.

(from the Hair Fair album)

And this is "Kun", which honestly makes me feel like I'm wearing headphones made of roses.

You can find Ohmai in Cloud at Hair Fair.

Next, Diva, and the first thing I want to show off is their packaging.

(from the Hair Fair album)

This is pretty much just death from adorable, here. Squirrel in a fedora hat with some strawflowers, bubbles, and a carefully balanced hair picture...holding the logo for the store. Too damned cute.

(from the Hair Fair album)

So this is "Clea", in 'Black amber', which...well, has never been anything close to black, but is an attractive mid-brown, so hey. It's a pretty good style, good amount of curves and wisps to hold eye interest, nicely layered on the shoulders...

(from the Hair Fair album)

...at least, until I spun around to look at the side and realized this thing was not only six inches off my shoulders, but was rigged mesh so couldn't be adjusted. That's...a problem.

(from the Hair Fair album)

This is "Lana" in 'Moon stone', and...okay, seriously, can someone explain to me the fetish Japanese hair designers have for bubble hair? Because this is far from the only style I've seen like this, it's pretty much ubiquitous. I don't get it. It's well made, it's just...the entire style has never made sense to me.

(from the Hair Fair album)

And this is "Mana" in 'Citrine'...your guess is as good as mine as to what citrine she's trying to reference...and yeah, look, more bubble hair. Still don't get it.

Diva can be found in Port at Hair Fair.

(Honestly, just look at the bottom of the last entry for the outfit credits; I didn't change anything.)