06 November, 2012

now hush, love, hush. here's your gown. there's the bed; lanterns down.

[21:30] Cxxxx Nxxxxxxx: Someone is *breaking* a spanker at Doomed Ship.
[21:30] Cxxxx Nxxxxxxx: gotta love people. :D
[21:30] Emilly Orr: How...does one break a spanker?
[21:30] Cxxxx Nxxxxxxx: By setting it to spank -way- too many times.
[21:30] Emilly Orr facepalms
[21:31] Cxxxx Nxxxxxxx: I can't honestly bring myself to believe that they're using it as part of some perverse RP.
[21:32] Emilly Orr: Honestly, is there just a higher percentage of idiots on the Doomed ship than anywhere else? Because I swear, I know some of the people who hang out there, and they all SEEM to have functional brains.
[21:32] Cxxxx Nxxxxxxx: XD
[21:33] Cxxxx Nxxxxxxx: I think the sex tentacles help bring'em out.
[21:33] Cxxxx Nxxxxxxx: Even though they removed that whole portion of the ship with the most of them.
[21:33] Emilly Orr: Yeah, exactly. You'd think that would DROP the percentage of dumb, not increase it.

Questions for the ages. Perhaps we lowly mortals are not truly meant to know.

And it's official, people--Oskar Linden has left the Lab.

And if you need ideas for next Hallows--or your next costume party--you could always go greyscale for an evening. (Amusingly, I've been collecting greyscale skins in SL, so I could conceivably do this in-world, too.)

And news of the latest invasion force infiltrating the grid: GIANT MEN IN LEDERHOSEN. Run! Hide the children!

And now for the last bit of eye-centricity: the last set of the Cassiopeia eyes from Rue.

(from the Avatars album; the Woodland set from the Cassiopeia eyes from Rue)

The "Dryad" eyes remind me of ivy shadows in dim and mossy groves, as the harvest moon (in this case, in triplicate) rises overhead.

(from the Avatars album; the Woodland set from the Cassiopeia eyes from Rue)

The "Forest" eyes continue this conceit, replacing the ivy with multilimbed, multibarked trees by a green rill.

(from the Avatars album; the Woodland set from the Cassiopeia eyes from Rue)

The "Hunter" eyes are a strong and sure Loden green, with just a hint of lantern gold.

(from the Avatars album; the Woodland set from the Cassiopeia eyes from Rue)

The "Meadow" eyes fascinate me. If I'm looking to my left, they're rose, silver and gold will-o-the-wisps, drifting through a green meadow just lightly touched with autumn frost. But if I'm looking to the right, it's all thick moss on green stones dappled by moonlight and wine.

(from the Avatars album; the Woodland set from the Cassiopeia eyes from Rue)

The "Pear" eyes don't so much remind me of pears, per se, as they do of traditional French pear brandy.

(from the Avatars album; the Woodland set from the Cassiopeia eyes from Rue)

And finally, the "Swamp eyes", which are perfectly reminiscent of peat bogs, deep swamps, with little glowing traceries of swamp gas and eldritch glow. All of these are from the Woodland set.

(And the final style notations: The hair you don't see is from Ploom. Outfit's multilayered, but the fishnets are from Insolence, the boots are from Show Me On the Doll (back when they existed), the high-waist shorts are from 1-800-Bettie's, and the cropped jacket is from Somnia and was acquired during one of Hellbop's cart sales. And the forehead jewels are from the Arachnos skin set at Fallen Gods [it came with spider back-arms and the Arachnos skin as well, and it's no longer available].)