04 November, 2012

but I don't want to go to sleep; in all my dreams, I drown

(from the Avatars album; the purple "Rhy" dress from Falln's Hallows hunt)

So, I didn't do a lot of the Falln brains hunt this year, for two significant reasons:
  • I had L$13 in Lindens. (Seriously. That's exactly what I started with, at the end of all the upload fees for SEVER.)
  • I was dealing with some (perhaps understandable, but also wholly irritating) relationship depression, and just didn't feel like socializing.
How'ver, Azriel changed the Midnight Manias, which have some really fun things for November, and in the process of running around tapping the boards, I picked up a few brains, and answered a trivia question correctly! So I got something terrifying I'll likely be taking pictures of when all the eye entries finish posting, and while I was doing that, I won a couple skins and an outfit just for being in Falln!

Just phenomenal, and it helped elevate my mood, and then I started unpacking a few of the brains, and found this. Which is a beautifully detailed, sari-inspired dress, in sumptuous shades of purple, red, and gold. It has pretty flower details along the waist and bustline, and long lengths of lavender silk that fasten to bright gold bangles that slide over my arms. I love this. I definitely want to find out what other colors of the "Rhys" he's released.

Now, more from the run through the Cassiopeia eyes, from Rue.

(from the Avatars album; the "Summer" set of Cassiopeia eyes from Rue)

This is a dark shade of "Grass" indeed, midway between Kentucky bluegrass and Black Beauty grass, combined to form a shimmering, nearly glowing green.

(from the Avatars album; the "Summer" set of Cassiopeia eyes from Rue)

The "Honeydew" eyes are darker than most honeydew melons I've actually seen, but it is nicely reminiscent of Midori liqueur.

(from the Avatars album; the "Summer" set of Cassiopeia eyes from Rue)

"Kelly" was another one I had to look up. According to Wikipedia, Miss Ruina's right on target for her definition of "Kelly green". I had that moment of headtilt, though, because I've grown up thinking of the shade as a much darker, muted green than these eyes display.

(from the Avatars album; the "Summer" set of Cassiopeia eyes from Rue)

"Leaf" is another strong, glossy green, reminding me of philodendrons and Anubias broadleaf plants, smooth and lustrously green.

(from the Avatars album; the "Summer" set of Cassiopeia eyes from Rue)

"Shamrock" makes me think of red clover in the rain. It's multilayered, clean, and clear.

(from the Avatars album; the "Summer" set of Cassiopeia eyes from Rue)

"Viridian" is a lovely word. Specifically, it indicates a cold green that's generally formed from oxide of chromium, but it can also be a descriptive. (Even better, some net research revealed it's also a Magic: the Gathering card, which is amusing.)

Miss Ruina's version glows with strong, eldritch power. They look like they could power a spare reactor, or be used to light someone along their path. They're very bright all on their own.

And that's all for the Summer set. Almost done!

(Dress is from FallnAngel Designs, the "Rhy" dress in Purple, acquired in the Halloween hunt [now over]. Hair's from Sugarsmack, Kai hair in Ginger-Berri [Hair Fair 2012]. Horns are Rue's "Shaman" horns in TrickOrTreat, part of the Eclectic Desires L$10 skull hunt [no longer available]. DV8 made the Danse Macabre boots in Black [no way to acquire them, DV8's off the grid]. Skin's still from MoMo. The forehead jewels are from the Arachnos skin set at Fallen Gods [it comes with spider back-arms and the Arachnos skin as well, and it's no longer available].)