as I draw up my breath, and silver fills my eyes

More Hair Fair coverage! (Part the first, part the second, part the third, part the fourth, part the fifth, part the sixth, part the seventh, part the eighth, part the ninth, part the tenth, part the eleventh, and part the twelfth, seen previously.)

We're now up to Cheveux, and unfortunately, all their hairs are numbered. But we bravely forge ahead.

(from the Hair Fair album; the styles from Cheveux for Hair Fair 2014)

We start off with "F050", in "partymix4", whatever that is. It seems to be a sandy blonde leading to bright sand tips. There's a braided coronet, and the rest seems to be a high, wide, gathered ponyfall. The second shot is "F050" in "Pastel4", which is a mix of pink and white strands. There's some oddity with how the hair's layered on the back, especially a particular sculpted lattice pattern, but that may be intentional.

(from the Hair Fair album; the styles from Cheveux for Hair Fair 2014)

The first shot is "F051" in "Blonde03", which is a rich gold. There are clipping issues with the flexi strands, but we're all long since used to that. The second shot shows "F051" in "Pink03", which seems to be a candyfloss pastel pink. This hair's longer than it looks!

(from the Hair Fair album; the styles from Cheveux for Hair Fair 2014)

Next is "F054" (what happened to F052 and F053?) in "Brown03", complete with summery sun hat. In between the loose floating flexy strands are two thick, messy braids secured with what looks like thin wraps of hair. The second shot shows "F054" in "Ash03", and I'm noticing it has the same latticework sculpted strands along the back that "F051" has.

(from the Hair Fair album; the styles from Cheveux for Hair Fair 2014)

The first shot here is "F055" in "Ash04", a fairly faded blonde, and according to the vendors at Hair Fair, this comes with color-changing bows, with settings to remove them entirely. The second shot is "F055" in "Blonde03", a deep, burnished streaky gold.

(from the Hair Fair album; the styles from Cheveux for Hair Fair 2014)

This is "F056" in "Blacks01", which is a feathery short bob with nearly eye-grazing choppy bangs. It's definitely a pixie cut, but it's cute. And the second shot is "F056" in "Pastel03", which looks oddly darker than "Pastel4", seen on "F050" above.

All in all, these are fun, attractive styles that I crave more Lindens to buy; there's very few problems outside of standard flexi issues (and nothing's going to fix those, there's nothing designers can do about flexi clipping). You can find Cheveux on the Brunette sim at Hair Fair.

And the usual report of what I'm wearing, now from high above the Sanguinarius Community Center:

Eyes: These are the "Determination" Soul Windows eyes from IM Capped, seen here in 'Cityscape'. She makes gorgeously glossy eyes in everything from realistic tones to the most fantastical blends imaginable.
Skin: The BS Avery (So Lonely) skin in Light from Panda Punx, picked up during the Antisocial Hunt a few weeks back.
Tattoos: To deal with the psychotic magenta lips on the skin, I'm using MOCK Cosmetics' Mythic Neutralizer, then over that her L'eau Havelock Blue Lip Gloss 1, then her Vitrail Lip Gloss in Black Licorice (lip 1). Some of these may be group gifts, I can't recall, but she's a wonderful designer of makeups and skins.
Outfit: I went minimal; admittedly, I've already hit the point of being tired of demos in the leetle box. This is On a Lark's "Adena" mesh camisk in Steel; if it wasn't a L$25 item from yesterday, then it was a L$25 item from last week.

Still using Nam's Optimal Skin 2 for the Windlight setting, and I've also pushed up my graphics a little to include basic shaders, atmospheric shaders, and the Advanced Lighting Model setting. (It's important to note that even under the relatively stripped-down Singularity viewer, my current drug of choice, that I still can't move with Advanced Lighting on, because of the induced shading, I think.) Anyway, there you go--these shots are not my norm of point-and-shoot standard-midday lack-of-Windlight pics. More to come!

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