I'm duckin' out for now, a face in dodgy elevators

More Hair Fair coverage! (Part the first, part the second, part the third, part the fourth, part the fifth, and part the sixth, seen previously.)

(from the Hair Fair album, and Analog Dog's...hair demos)

So...let's talk about Analog Dog's offerings for Hair Fair 2014.

....Right. Here's the thing. I unpacked everything, no hair demos, but plenty of demo HUDs to try out, which I can only assume work, because...no hair demos. I pulled the demo box again from the Hair Fair Demo group, unpacked it again...and no hair demos once again. So...I give up. I have too many demos to go through and not enough time to go through them, so we're just moving on.

You can find Analog Dog in the Brunette sim, anyway, if you want to see their styles for yourself.

And the usual report of what I'm wearing, now from high above the Sanguinarius Community Center:

Eyes:IKON's "Utopia" eyes in Dark Red, acquired in April of 2013. Likely a group gift, but I honestly can't recall.
Skin: Lumae's "Nima" skin in Cream/Watermelon, a free gift this month for members of the SL Frees & Offers group.
Outfit: Both from Somnia, I'm wearing the "Kimeyos" mesh star halter (available for sale currently at the 'My Attic' event) with the "Zhevios" tailored mesh pants in Rose (still available on Somnia's lucky boards). Since they won't be seen anyway, I didn't bother with stockings or shoes.

Still using Nam's Optimal Skin 2 for the Windlight setting, and I've also pushed up my graphics a little to include basic shaders, atmospheric shaders, and the Advanced Lighting Model setting. (It's important to note that even under the relatively stripped-down Singularity viewer, my current drug of choice, that I still can't move with Advanced Lighting on, because of the induced shading, I think.) Anyway, there you go--these shots are not my norm of point-and-shoot standard-midday lack-of-Windlight pics. More to come!

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