22 July, 2014

into the ashes and no return

More Hair Fair coverage! (Part the first, part the second, part the third, part the fourth, part the fifth, part the sixth, part the seventh, part the eighth, part the ninth, part the tenth, part the eleventh, part the twelfth, and part the thirteenth, seen previously.)

(from the Hair Fair album; ChiChickie's offerings)

Next up, ChiChickie, and their (unisex?) style "Brad". As I'm looking more at it, I feel pretty sure that it's designed solely for men, but the right type of assertive, confident woman could wear it. You're seeing it in "Golden" and "Cinnamon", respectively.
(from the Hair Fair album; ChiChickie's offerings)

This is "Fontaine", and I'm not entirely sure I like the sort of 'spiral feathering' the designer's chosen, but I can't deny it has a specific and striking effect. And personally, it strikes me as an attractive style. I snapped it in "Honey" and "Pearl Green".

(from the Hair Fair album; ChiChickie's offerings)

This is "Kasandra", and it manages to pull off both casual and elegant--which is rare for the becoming-ubiquitous twin-buns style. (Though this seems closer to a modified Hopi maiden style. [Photo taken by Susanne Page and used in the book Hopi.]

I'm showing it in "Smoke" and "Chestnut".

(from the Hair Fair album; ChiChickie's offerings)

Finally, this is "Lisa", a stranded bob, the first style for which I had to pull out the included alpha layer. I'm not liking this one, both due to the stranded hair (that makes it look like the outer layer of hair was pulled up and clipped, while the the lower layer was scissor-cut, so that when the hair was put back in place, scalp sections are intended to be visible), and the squared-off nature of the hair itself.

Still, it could work for some people. If this is something you've been looking for, ChiChickie makes it! I'm showing it in "Ash" and "Walnut".

One thing I really, really liked was ChiChickie's universal hair texture/resizing HUD. It gives you one HUD for all their colors instead of four or five, and there's a highly visible "Resync" button, and that's it. It's simple, well-coded, and easy to use.

You can find ChiChickie on the Noirette sim.

And the usual report of what I'm wearing, now from high above the Sanguinarius Community Center:

Eyes: These are the "Determination" Soul Windows eyes from IM Capped, seen here in 'Cityscape'. She makes gorgeously glossy eyes in everything from realistic tones to the most fantastical blends imaginable.
Skin: The BS Avery (So Lonely) skin in Light from Panda Punx, picked up during the Antisocial Hunt a few weeks back.
Tattoos: To deal with the psychotic magenta lips on the skin, I'm using MOCK Cosmetics' Mythic Neutralizer, then over that her L'eau Havelock Blue Lip Gloss 1, then her Vitrail Lip Gloss in Black Licorice (lip 1). Some of these may be group gifts, I can't recall, but she's a wonderful designer of makeups and skins.
Outfit: I went minimal; admittedly, I've already hit the point of being tired of demos in the leetle box. This is On a Lark's "Adena" mesh camisk in Steel; if it wasn't a L$25 item from yesterday, then it was a L$25 item from last week.

Still using Nam's Optimal Skin 2 for the Windlight setting, and I've also pushed up my graphics a little to include basic shaders, atmospheric shaders, and the Advanced Lighting Model setting. (It's important to note that even under the relatively stripped-down Singularity viewer, my current drug of choice, that I still can't move with Advanced Lighting on, because of the induced shading, I think.) Anyway, there you go--these shots are not my norm of point-and-shoot standard-midday lack-of-Windlight pics. More to come!