22 July, 2014

everything I do is bittersweet

Found a list of Hair Fair freebies and dollarbies for this year. Go wild; there's some really fun things on offer.

More Hair Fair coverage! (Part the first, part the second, part the third, part the fourth, part the fifth, part the sixth, part the seventh, part the eighth, part the ninth, and part the tenth, seen previously.)

(from the Hair Fair album, Bliensen + MaiTai's offerings for Hair Fair)

We're up to Bliensen + MaiTai, and we're starting with "Astronomy Domine", which is a very 1920's style. The HUD textures it kind of oddly--it goes back to front in layers, then reverses on the bangs and goes front to back, but it eventually gets done.

They don't label their tones on the HUDs, so this was a bright coppery-red-to-red from the front, and a dark-red-to-black-red on the back.

(from the Hair Fair album, Bliensen + MaiTai's offerings for Hair Fair)

This is "Madison Avenue", another vintage-looking style (I'd peg it around 1940's era), with a sculpted hair rose at the temple. I'm showing it in sort of a dark burgundy (front) and, um, pearl, I guess? for the back shot. (These are both off the "White to Black" tone HUD; the shot above used the "Reds" HUD.)

(from the Hair Fair album, Bliensen + MaiTai's offerings for Hair Fair)

Next up, "Madison Avenue" with the added hat. Same style of hair, but it has a starfish stabbed with a knitting needle to hold a small bun in place? Or something. I'm showing it in sort of a dark toffee-gold from the front, and a gingery-blonde from the back, with the hat in green. (It comes in five shades total, tintable from the HUD: the other shades are purple, black, dark red, and dusty cobalt, and they're all studded with gold.)

(from the Hair Fair album, Bliensen + MaiTai's offerings for Hair Fair)

This is "Quel Night", with the included tiara (which comes in three other shades: green, white and black), which is sort of a pseudo-Grecian updo pinned with the tiara. (You can also wear it without the tiara, so it's just held in place by pixelated will alone).

(from the Hair Fair album, Bliensen + MaiTai's offerings for Hair Fair)

Finally, this is "Sand Snake", which strikes me as an homage to Tekeli-li, long shall they be missed. Whether or not it actually is, it's beautiful, and could as easily be work in Caledon as in a fantasy sim. I adore this one. I'm showing it off in a sort of cayenne shade from the front, and a streaky brown-to red from the back (which gives interesting coppery tones to the headpiece).

While I'm not entirely sure, I think that each tone comes with a choice of gold or silver for the headpiece, but what's demoed in the box is the blonde tones (gold), the brown tones (gold), the red tones (gold), and the white to black tones (silver).

You can find them in Noirette at Hair Fair.

And the usual report of what I'm wearing, now from high above the Sanguinarius Community Center:

Eyes: Mayfly's "Deep Sky" mesh eyes in Rising Spring (sclera w1), purchased in April of 2013.
Skin: The "Lilah Morte" skin in Ruby from The Little Bat, purchased way back when I first joined the group in 2012.
Outfit: The "Whilda Green" jacket and skirt combo from Footpaw Industries. Today only, it--and about seven or so other color variations--are available for L$25. It comes with matching high heels (not shown) and a pearl pendant (either silver or gold, depending on the colors of the outfit; Whilda Green's comes in gold).

Still using Nam's Optimal Skin 2 for the Windlight setting, and I've also pushed up my graphics a little to include basic shaders, atmospheric shaders, and the Advanced Lighting Model setting. (It's important to note that even under the relatively stripped-down Singularity viewer, my current drug of choice, that I still can't move with Advanced Lighting on, because of the induced shading, I think.) Anyway, there you go--these shots are not my norm of point-and-shoot standard-midday lack-of-Windlight pics. More to come!