(from the Hair Fair album; the styles from +elua+ for Hair Fair) |
We're up to +elua+, and this is "Shena", in the third tone on the "Darkblonde" HUD. The second shot shows it in the fifth tone on the "Ombre_A" HUD. It's a good style, I'm liking the trend towards hair-wrapped ponies and braids this year, but I think it might be better with a hair base in a complementary shade.
(from the Hair Fair album; the styles from +elua+ for Hair Fair) |
This is "Tricia", and I'm showing it in the second tone from the "Red" HUD. The second shot features the third tone from the "Blonde" HUD. Note the braid detail above the long fall of hair; very nice.
(from the Hair Fair album; the styles from +elua+ for Hair Fair) |
And this is "Ursula", a prettily executed pixie, in the second tone from the "Black" HUD. The second shot features the third tone from the "Darkbrown" HUD.
You can find +elua+ on the Brunette sim at Hair Fair.
And the usual report of what I'm wearing, now from high above the Sanguinarius Community Center:
Eyes: These are the 'Lumi' eyes in "SeafoamGreen" from FuubutsuDou. While the designer may well have an eye section now, at the time I believe I picked this up at Fantasy Fair.
Skin: This is the "Penelope" skin (MBPS, 00 HCL, No Brows variation) from from PixyStix. It was either a group gift or a low-cost, implant-friendly purchase.
Tattoos: Again, I liked this skin, but wasn't crazy about the lips. I'm using cStar's "Lips 071" in the Matte variation as a quasi-lipcover.
Outfit: The top is from No Cabide, their strapless mesh blouse gift in vintage dots. The rest is from an old Dare Designs' hunt gift, "Wildchild"--the jeans in red, the fishnet stockings, and the glossy black boots (all likely not shown, because hair shots trump knee shots this time of year).
Still using Nam's Optimal Skin 2 for the Windlight setting, and I've also pushed up my graphics a little to include basic shaders, atmospheric shaders, and the Advanced Lighting Model setting. (It's important to note that even under the relatively stripped-down Singularity viewer, my current drug of choice, that I still can't move with Advanced Lighting on, because of the induced shading, I think.) Today I've also added Ambient Occlusion, because I'm insane. More to come!
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