28 May, 2022

I never knew my killer would be coming from within

Bit of an update from tonight's entry from earlier.

I'm not going to put these in frames, these are just shots on the fly.

New Xantis, 28 May 2022.

Welcome to New Xantis.

The sim entry for New Xantis.

Or what's left of it.

DRD's booth, I suspect.

There are stores empty.

From above.

Now, not everything is gone, as I'd thought--but looking through these quick shots, I'm thinking Jaimy left up the main connecting throughway between the sims on either side of New Xantis.

The blank side.

With this side connection, I have no idea what used to be here, but I'd suspect a major set piece with the large items for sale, which then connected to that upper walkway leading down into another sim. It's all gone.

The organizers.

And I didn't want to wait until they fully rezzed in, but from left to right, this is Anthony Haslage (Ntanel Swordthain), Melina Firehawk, and Kirk Wingtips. Swordthain seems heavily involved in Star Trek fandom groups in SL, Melina Firehawk is pretty much in every RP group you can think of (and I'd be willing to bet either is the sponsor for the Super Heroes sim at Sci Fi Con, or at least organizes for it), and Kirk Wingtips (who not only seems to run Sci Fi Con, but is either involved with, or runs SciFi Expo, so dubious on that connection for now, plus is in a lot of Firefly/Star Trek groups).

And then I cleared their airspace, potentially never to return.

It used to look like this. Now...that's all over. Because the organizers were abusive. This is a very bad turn of affairs.