28 May, 2022

I'm learning more as I'm dying

Sent to Twitter half an hour ago:
Well, this is upsetting. We got involved with Sci Fi Con this year in #SecondLife, and apparently, it's been SO mismanaged along the way, designers are starting to flee the sinking ship. Anyone from the Second Life Relay for Life team want to check on their charity status?
I'm dead serious. Anyone know who's in charge of the main SLRFL group? Because they need to seriously look into what's going on at Sci Fi Con, and into Kirk Wingtips' management of same.

Earlier, this notice came from Death Row Designs' lead maker, Jaimy Hancroft:
[16:43] Deathrowdesigns: Group Notice Sent by: Deathrowdesigns
sci fi con.....
DRAMA ALERT (1st in 12 years) we packed up our stuff at scifi con.
we've had enough of the bad managment. and they also banned us from their discord, for sharing a song (?)
we will have rfl vendors out still at scarlett bay to support RFL .
in our 12 years of doing events, scificon... took the cake .
we'll be back and lots of good events coming :)
Now, to understand how notable this is--Jaimy's one of the most unflappable designers I've ever known. But it's not just her. Stabitha of What's Lost Spirits designed a region for them, and she's also livid. I haven't heard what Walton Wainwright of Contraption fame thinks, but I'm nearly positive it can't be good, because at the last minute, he turned in a reconfigured Fantasy Faire sim, because Wingtips begged him, and the first thing they did was tear it apart and repath it, so...the giant mechs that walk about walk through the buildings now. No, if you've seen them do that, that was not Walt's coding; that was Sci Fi Con not understanding design.

Here's how bad it is, in case anyone wants to go and check: the New Xantis build at Sci Fi Con is gone. Entirely. She pulled up every single thing she owned and left because they were being treated so badly. That should tell you something about the level of abuse, here, and it can't be allowed to continue.

I seriously intend to track down the operators of Second Life Relay For Life on this. This is not only careless disregard for design, but mistreatment of designers, and I'm not even going into the charity events they held that they got wrong, including the one featuring time donated by a Linden...

It's so disappointing.

And I deeply regret we agreed to participate in the hunt, but I am very glad we didn't buy a booth.

All I have right now is the name found on the main SLRFL page that comes up via Google; if anyone has more information, please let me know. This is the exact way charities get bad names, and we want to keep SLRFL in good standing.

(Why yes, there's a second part.)