Short little snippet I caught today:
[10:38] Fxxxx Rxxxxxxx: We have a griefer do we?
[10:39] exxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Copybotter
[10:40] Qxxxxxx Nxxxxxxx: he copied a part of the Entrance Hall at Oxbridge, and placed it insides of the building. He was still busy, and my impression has been, that he just started.
How much of a knuckle-dragging idiot does someone have to be to copy something, then
rez it out on the premises? That's either insane levels of arrogance--which means they're very young, and very stupid--or actually
being too dumb to add numbers up to ten without counting fingers and toes. And possibly dragging in friends to help. Which doesn't discount the stupid in any way.
[10:41] Fxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ahhh..... I presume that an AR was also issued?
[10:41] Qxxxxxx Nxxxxxxx: there is a community of copybotters, who have their own viewers, a kind of marketplace with copybotted content from SL, and they offer a service. e.g. when you want a copy of something you have seen in SL, they will copy it for you.
Ugh. I knew there was a dedicated community of ethic-less copyright infringers who pulled mesh objects in from computer games to the grid, but I thought actual, in-person "copybotting" had died down as being too slow and ineffective. Guess I was wrong.
[10:42] Qxxxxxx Nxxxxxxx: yep, I sent an AR with photo proof to LL
[10:42] Fxxxx Rxxxxxxx: nods nods
Always wise. I hope they stop this little fish; sounds like they're too young and too dumb to wander around by themselves.
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