24 December, 2019

you've never learned to read or write, there's no books upon your shelf

There are four lights!

Because that's what this whole conversation reminded me of. A codicil: I am keeping the name of the group intact, because it's mentioned more than once in the text capture. But I am anonymizing the actual avatar.

[00:00] axxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: this part makes no sense to me
[00:00] axxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: No cost to join group)
For my VIP Group I make special Promocode on 99%!!! off for ANY item untill January 5 at mainstore (Works only one time for one avatar, be careful!!!!)Cost to join 500L$
[00:00] axxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no cost to join but it costs 500? uhhhh what?
[00:02] Emilly Orr: What VIP group? Limerence's?
[00:03] Emilly Orr: It's a pay group for this store's VIPs, and you'll get a promo code that will either discount, or refund, 99% of the purchase price of any hair.
Now, this was a stab in the dark, given what was said. But, I felt I should know for sure, so...
[00:03] Emilly Orr pulls up the notices
Even though I have all in-world notices and IMs sent to my email, sometimes things fall by the wayside. This notice was one of the things, apparently:
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for all {Limerence} friends!!!
The Christmas group gift is now available at the mainstore location!
Just wear your {Limerence} group tag, grab it and enjoy. No cost to join group)
For my VIP Group I make special Promocode on 99%!!! off for ANY item untill January 5 at mainstore (Works only one time for one avatar, be careful!!!!)Cost to join 500L$
Okay, that makes sense, but I did see the issue.
[00:03] Emilly Orr: Ah, I see what you're seeing. It's a lack of punctuation.
[00:04] Emilly Orr: This group is free, and everyone in this group can get the Christmas gift, if you wear the group tag.
Which is fabulous, I'll have to remember to stop by Limerence tomorrow for the gift.
[00:04] Emilly Orr: The NEXT paragraph is only about the VIP group, not the main group.
[00:04] Emilly Orr: Though that is tempting to join the VIP group before Jan 5th...
It really is tempting.
[00:05] axxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: well the grou pis free
[00:05] axxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i was wondering if she means she is gonna start charging for it at new years
No, not until January 5th.
[00:05] axxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: here is the full notice
[00:05] axxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx:
[15:34] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Group Notice Sent by: Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx
{Limerence} Christmas&NY GroupGift and Promocode for VIP Group
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for all {Limerence} friends!!!
The Christmas group gift is now available at the mainstore location!
Just wear your {Limerence} group tag, grab it and enjoy. No cost to join group)>
For my VIP Group I make special Promocode on 99%!!! off for ANY item untill January 5 at mainstore (Works only one time for one avatar, be careful!!!!)Cost to join 500L$
[00:06] axxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and its the same on thei page
[00:06] axxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: https://limerence-sl.blogspot.com/2019/12/limerence-christmas-groupgift-and.html [00:06] Emilly Orr: Right, I read the full notice.
[00:06] Emilly Orr: And I told you how it breaks down.
[00:06] Emilly Orr: The first statement is a statement about the gift for ALL group members, those here, and the VIPS.
[00:06] Emilly Orr: The SECOND statement is only for the VIPs, or for people who join the VIP group.
[00:07] axxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: still confuses the hell out of me lol
Why? How is this in any way confusing?
[00:07] Emilly Orr: Separate the statements. It won't be confusing.
[00:07] axxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: but it doesnt matter really since we are all group members i think?
And it was here I realized the issue.
[00:07] Emilly Orr: There's no charge for this group.
[00:07] Emilly Orr: There IS a L$500 charge for the VIP group.
[00:07] Emilly Orr: The VIP group is NOT THIS GROUP.
[00:07] Emilly Orr: Simple.
[00:07] axxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ohhhh
Oh, good, we're all on the same page now.
[00:08] axxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: that i didnt know
[00:08] Emilly Orr: There you go.
[00:08] axxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i didnt think they had 2 groups
[00:08] Emilly Orr: Limerence has two groups.
Happy to help.

And to point out, if you like the way Limerence builds hair, you could do worse than join a VIP group for L$500 that nets you one new hair per month. I've never been unhappy with any paid VIP group for a hair store, and I used to belong to Alice Project, and currently belong to Astrology and Truth VIPs. Happy to add Limerence VIPs for the new year.