12 May, 2019

panic on the streets of London, panic on the streets of Birmingham

I was fairly amused by this video, all about a spammer's poor attempt to extract money from one of the Utah Outcasts. And I had to think, watching it, how would I handle this letter, had it been sent to me?

Well, first thing, my spam filter would've caught it also, and I generally don't even read spam unless it has a catchy, or particularly amusing, title. Second, my being told they'd grabbed all my Facebook contacts would make me giggle like a five-year-old, because I don't have an account on Facebook. Third, them telling me they'd grabbed my masturbation files from my web cam would also make me laugh hysterically, because one, I have never filmed myself masturbating in front of any electronic device, and two--and two is more important here--I don't own a webcam.

I could not take something like this seriously. They'd be tapping the entirely wrong demographic for these kinds of threats. And the heavy-handed, give us what we want or we will release these files to all your friends, bit? That would also make me laugh. Sure, anonymous whomever. Do that. Feel free, run with it. Go wild. My friends know who I am and what I do, they wouldn't even be shocked.

The most they'd say is probably "Really? That's terrible lighting."

[21:12] Second Life: The message sent to (IM Session Doesn't Exist) is still being processed.
If the message does not appear in the next few minutes, it may have been dropped by the server.
That's new. I don't think I've ever seen that message before in my decade-plus of being in SL.