I have seen this before. But it has been literally years since I have. Then, it was a case of an older graphics card with zero updates. But my current card? I updated the drivers last week, and today is the first day I've seen this. So what gives?
Worse was knowing this was centered on me. Which usually means I'm the only one who can see it (though that's not always true), so I didn't want to mention it.
Then it switched to the lass to my left. How do I know this? Look in the circled portion: those are the buckles of the dress she's currently wearing.
I was baffled though. Updated drivers, I didn't get it. During all of this, also, I crashed three times. Yes, yes, I know, we're on a homestead, and yes, I know, we were holding a dance, as we are wont to do, ON that homestead, but still...I usually don't crash that often even when there's a large number of people on the sim.
And it kept going for a REALLY long time. Annoyingly long. And, after this started happening, I crashed twice. The third time I crashed? Firestorm reset my graphics setting. Grr.
When it briefly cleared? What showed was that I'd lost the floor entirely. It was just carpets and clouds. This was just before the third time I crashed.
And then the glitching moved to the girl on my right. After this picture, I did crash.
So irritating. Tomorrow, I'll check my graphics drivers, but it hasn't happened all day today, so...still baffled. Was it just a momentary thing, or is it indicative of a larger problem? More grr.
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