07 May, 2019

just another LA devotee

[10:15] pxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: does anyone else just stand on their land kinda like half dressed for hours cause you can't figure out what to wear or is it just me?
[10:15] lxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: you're not alone
I do that all the time.

In other news, I was sorting through the FaMESHed gifts, so was partially nude (I'd been trying on outfits), when I saw someone land on the porch. I hate when this happens.
[13:54] Emilly Orr: May I help you?
[13:55] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hey was good
"Was good"? Was he kidding? Also, at this point, I was frantically trying to track down a dress, which irked me further, because I shouldn't have had to.
[13:55] Emilly Orr: No, not really. You're in a private residence.
[13:55] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i am?
[13:55] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: im sorry
Then, instead of porting off, he came down the stairs to stand in front of me. Why?
[13:55] Emilly Orr: Yes.
[13:55] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: may i come in plzz
My initial response was, "Not only no, but HELL no," but...I was trying to be polite.
[13:55] Emilly Orr: Shoo.
[13:55] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i just need a lil help
[13:55] Emilly Orr: With?
[13:56] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: nvm ok
And then he flew off.

I have patience for new friends who don't intrude on private space. I have zero patience for people who just land in my home without warning. New or not, that's uncalled for.

And he was new--all of one day new. Two things on his profile: an RL pick of himself holding up three fingers on his SL bio, and an RL pick of himself on his FL info page. No groups. No bio info. No FL info. No picks.


And a couple of drive-by avatarings for today:

She has a lot going on, and not much that's bad. It's a fun, gothy look. Save for the buttwings.

I checked from the back, and yep...Buttwings.

For contrast, let me present the cutest anime catgirl I've seen in a long time. She was adorable.

And yes, she was as short as she looked.