27 May, 2019

I don't know what I hold in my hand, you'll see it when I'm through

Respect those who serve, remember the fallen, and celebrate the lives we hold. Be safe this Memorial Day, for those in the US.

Elsewhere...presented without comment. Save for to say the shark was seen at Solarwinds, and the performer is Toxie Darkmatter.

Sadly, I have now learned I cannot attend events at Solarwinds. I don't know why, but the first time I went, I ended up crashing three times. So, last night I turned my draw distance down to 64, killed particles, had avatar impostors on, set non-jellydoll avatars to four, took off atmospheric shaders and basic lights, and set most of the photographic options to low. I still crashed. So I can't go back, and it's sad, because Toxie is really, really good.