16 October, 2015

must be the season of the witch

Now we're at 7 NIGHTMARES AND DREAMS--yes, apparently all in caps--on the Dream Catcher sim. I haven't figured out yet if it's a shopping event, or a haunt.

Though you can get a free pumpkin by touching this crate.

Went into the first building, on the left of the landing point, and found I was on TV!

Discovered a living room full of haunted furnishings...

Then the couch killed me. Not an auspicious beginning...

If dinner is what's on the table...um, thanks, not hungry.

My apologies, sir, I didn't mean to interrupt.

Upstairs, everything's kind of chaotic--appearing ghosts, disappearing ghosts, floating beds, bloodied wheelchairs...

And next door, obviously Sweeney Todd's barber shop...

Thing is, I didn't do more than one home and one small shop. There's much more to this, including what looked like a full amusement park with Ferris wheel. Hopefully I'll get a chance to revisit it and figure out what the rest looks like!

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