In a panic, I wondered if part of the problem was me--or rather, my terrifying inventory. I flew to Ahmadi and started throwing things out wholesale. Down one thousand, two thousand, that entire folder can go--at the end I'd thrown out seven thousand things in five minutes. I felt reasonably confident in returning home to change.
I crashed after arriving. When I logged back in, nothing would come in--drop-down after drop-down said "Failure to find {x item} in database." Damn it. I tried to pull my inventory in and crashed doing so.
I gritted my teeth and logged in once more. To find me as a cloud. Well, at least I'm no longer short, bald and nude. I guess there's an up side?
Carefully I tracked down a top (jacket layer) and pants (pants layer) that I could use to cover myself. I didn't crash. I carefully changed to the first bald cap I found (not risking hair). I didn't crash. I changed my shape, and my group; I didn't crash, and moreover, I was finally unclouded. Can't manage to change my skin; everything's causing that "Failure to find {x item} in database" error. Don't particularly care to fight the system right now.
All right, off to a sandbox for more inventory control. Another thousand items cut down, and now I'm poring folder by folder.
My rules, this run, are simple: if I haven't seen it, used it, rezzed it out, in six months it's gone, unless it's been assigned a specific folder. Like Photographic props; I don't always use those, but I want to keep them.
5:31 pm: Two thousand more items down, most of them hair demos. Why was I holding on to hair demos?
5:42 pm: Another thousand items down. Emptied trash. Back to Ahmadi's ocean to finish pulling in inventory.
5:50 pm: Waiting. 61,483 items.
5:57 pm: Waiting. 64,666 items. Becoming despondent: my boast of getting below 60,000 items is looking grim. Back to culling.
6:07 pm: Still trimming down. Final inventory count after load-in: 66,312 items. So 6,313 items to delete before my goal.
6:22 pm: Someone else arrives on Ahmida's little atoll. I crash instantaneously.
6:30 pm: Back in. I fly from the little atoll to an absolutely untenanted patch of Ahmadi--because it's underwater. I load in inventory again.
6:54 pm: Another thousand gone. That still puts me over 65K. Under 65,000 at this point, I'd be happy with.
7:06 pm: Another thousand down, and I have to leave for RL. Still, I think I pulled it off--under 64,000 items in inventory, anyway, down significantly from the 76K+ I logged in with this morning. Not too bad for a panic-ridden few hours.
Logged out at the bottom of the sea; good thing I can sprout gills on command, or this would lead to problems later on. Of course, I can't seem to change my green skin, so I may actually have died already, and just don't know it yet.
More culling to come. Should the asset server decide to stabilize...
Eesh. I know your pain. I'm still utterly shocked at how certain people handle a high inventory and many just can't. I'm sure there's some technicallities all wrapped up in that, that I just don't know. But you know how big my inventory (like double yours). x_x;
Well, and you also have a better machine than I do. If you have dual-core, you're automatically better off for asset management, on and off the grid.
The box I use to connect to SL? Uses a single-core Pentium 4 processor. That in itself weighs in at vintage, if not actively antique.
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