13 August, 2010

and now I'm paying with my, paying with my life

More Blizzard oddity.


This is an automated notification regarding your World of Warcraft account. Your account options was recently modified through the Account Management website.

I am amazed! I don't even have a WoW account! What else can you do? Do you know the interlocking rings trick?

If you made this change to your subscription type, please disregard this automatic notification.

What if I don't have a subscription type? What do I do then?

*** If you did NOT make any changes to your account or subscription, we recommend you login to Account Management at the following link to review your account settings:

Thanks, but I'm still back on how I even have an account type, considering I've never played WoW.

If you cannot sign into Account Management using the link above, or if unauthorized changes continue to happen, please contact Blizzard Billing & Account Services for advanced assistance.

Billing & Account Services can be reached at 1-800-59-BLIZZARD (1-800-592-5499 Mon-Fri, 8Am-8PM Pacific Time) or at

I did this! I sent the last email I got to Billing! Yay for doing the right thing.

...I think.

Account security is solely the responsibility of the accountholder. Please be advised that in the event of a compromised account, Blizzard representatives will typically lock the account. In these cases the Account Administration team will require faxed receipt of ID materials before releasing the account for play.


The World of Warcraft Support Team
Blizzard Entertainment


Hey, I'd be happy if y'all want to lock down the account I don't have so that people who aren't me can't use it. Though maybe that's mean. Maybe someone SHOULD be allowed to use it, because I certainly don't...


...it doesn't exist...

This is getting so damned recursive, I swear.

Then, on the heels of that, I got this:


Blizzard Entertainment recently received a request to change the e-mail address used to log in to the Battle.net account with the username emilly.orr@gmail.com. The e-mail address n***@hotmail.com has been specified as the new username for this Battle.net account. An email has been sent to this new address containing a verification link to complete the change.

Uh-huh. A request to change the account I don't have to a Hotmail account that's blocked out to protect...their privacy? Yes, there is definite fishiness occurring.

Once the new address has been verified, the e-mail address emilly.orr@gmail.com can no longer be used to log in to this Battle.net account or any World of Warcraft accounts merged with this Battle.net account.

If you did not initiate this request, please
click here to contact the Blizzard Billing & Account Services team immediately.

Riiiiight. What you don't notice--because I didn't make it an active link--is that where the words "click here" were in the original email? Was an active link to something called "factionconfirm.eu". I don't want to confirm any faction, thank you, I just want to know why I'm getting these emails!

Are they spam? Why are they targeting me? Why do some of them use Blizzard's actual customer service contact procedures?

I am very confused. Monday, Blizzard's going to get a call.


Sphynx Soleil said...

Welcome to the latest phishing attempts? Hrmmm. It is puzzling...

Though...it sounds like mayhap someone might be using your email as a login? Which, would kinda mean they need to log in to your email? I hope you changed your password lately?

Emilly Orr said...

I did, and oddly, it's to the one I consider my semi-secure one (as opposed to the standard six-to-eight character easy-to-hack set). I could change it again, I suppose.

Serenity Semple said...

Hina kinda went through the same stuff. It's sad it's targetting so many people, even one's who didn't even play WoW.

Emilly Orr said...

Yeah. I didn't get one today; maybe they've decided I can't be reeled in.