The sim of Gawk was one I arrived in on the ZombiePopcorn hunt:
(Magnificently detailed ship outside Gawk's main store.)
(Debris and old display models outside Gawk's main store.)
(Mysterious foundry space next to Gawk. Have your sound on; you'll hear the I-bars moving, and the stamp of the foundry press.)
(Again, gorgeous detail work on this train outside the main store.)
(I had clearer pictures of the derrick rig outside, but I liked the glimpses through the industrial grill work of the cargo containers.)
(Wonderfully craggy, aged, detailed four-prong anchor beside the steps up to Gawk.)
(Torso display models in a rusted cage.)
(The lighthouse at the back of Gawk's sim.)
(And light pouring into the upper floors of Gawk.)
All in all, it's an amazing sim just to wander--small, but realistically shaded, aged, perfectly proportioned...I was deeply impressed.
Another nice sim find. If they had an insane asylum I'd be tempted to compare it to Shutter Island. XD
Nah, FallnAngel's Sanitarium has Shutter Island beat. :D
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