30 October, 2008

you run to me and don't even know my name

Something terrible happened at the Trepid Island Train Station. Can you figure it out without suffering the same fate?


It all started with a newspaper...

We came to the train station on a lark, having heard the rumors. It was dim and shadowy inside, things seeming to creep and shift just at the edge of vision. We picked our way through overturned wooden benches to the old diner.


We weren't impressed with the cleanliness, even after so many years. But the dusty skull in the oven unnerved us both.


Footsteps and screams, shadow figures there one moment, gone the next...whispered warnings and lamps that shuddered themselves off the walls...these were our companions as we moved higher into the structure.


The wall dripped with warning. We should have listened.


Scattered newsprint revealed more of the tale. Yet still we didn't listen. We made our way, inching along corridors nearly painted black, doors opening ahead of us, wind howling outside...to the final room, at the top of the tower.


And there, we became yet more casualties to the station.

This? Start to finish, excellent build. The sounds reinforce the atmosphere, the appearing and disappearing ghosts are genuinely surprising, the ending...must be experienced to be believed. High marks, absolutely top-notch haunt. If this isn't my very favorite, it's easily in the top three. Do your best to see it.