03 October, 2008

unfortunately someone's creeping on the floor

Went searching for haunted houses today, partially to spur me into action haunting my own parcel, and partially because...well, 'tis the season, innit? So off we go searching for haunts.


Maison du Mort, AV Puli Animation's offering for the season, did not disappoint. It's a sedate little haunted house, replete with quirky little props, but with an eye for detail--the rope tying the porch together, the Magic 8 Ball that actually has the ink and floating pyramid seen from the 'shake and look' view--that is, in some locations, sadly lacking these days.


There are, of course, expected--and unexpected!--things to interact with and sit upon--like this crafty mirror--and the feel of the place as a whole is very autumnal, very abandoned old house.


Did I mention the unexpected? But all in all, start to finish, wonderful texturing, some fun fool-the-eye details, and some lovely drifting haunts. I recommend walking through this one, highly.

Next up: SiNNful Beach's haunted house. I admit, I had a pang of strong doubt, considering the name, but they managed to surprise me.


Fun start to finish, the traditional graveyard outside, followed by the haunted mansion--mayhap a bit too much emphasis on Ramos Designs props, but hey. They're running with the Haunted Mansion Ramos is selling this year, it's only fair.


I can't be sure, of course, but it feels very much as if the builder bought the Mansion--it comes unfurnished, but for the built-in fireplace, and, of course, the animated blood tunnel deep inside the house--and then bought nearly one of everything Ramos is selling this year. Sitll, all in all, it works to their advantage, more than it detracts.


If anything, the only thing that does feel a bit contrived is their paintings, scattered liberally throughout the house. It's like they pulled up Google Images and typed in 'scary', and downloaded everything that showed up between pages one and five. There's a lot of haunted paintings here, and they just seem to have zero theme behind them. Woman on fire on one floor, emo moping boy in a hoodie across the room, haunted sepiatones in the parlor, Jonathan Frid by the coffins. No rhyme or reason.

But it's a good use of ten or fifteen minutes, and you won't regret it.

I have a couple more we hit tonight, but it's nearly six in the morning, and I am very tired. They'll have to wait until tomorrow.