29 October, 2008

you let me wonder, now I'll let you burn


Last night, we went to Fanastacia Haunted Bayou, in Illusionatta.


The music is odd but entertaining, the stops along the way are fun to explore, and the conceit of riding around deep-country bayou between haunts is inspired.


There's a lot of stops along the way, and most of them have additional boat rezzers, so you can stop, explore, then come back and rez a new craft to travel more of the waterways.


Some things seem clues to whatever long-forgotten tragedy occurred in this place (like the letter in the schoolhouse); some are more random and just placed for effect (like the demon Rottweilers in the morgue).


Burning corpses, bloodied body parts, and skinned animals seem the main "attractions" at this haunt, but they're used to marvelous effect nearly everywhere.


One of these things is not like the others. If you guessed the ghost of Lincoln, you're now with me in trying to figure out why, in a southern bayou complete with abandoned mansion, Lincoln would be haunting the place.


Why is the woman changed outside the cage? That's my big question.


It's a big haunt. It's maybe more than can be taken in in one evening, so hurry quick and see as much of it as you can. It's so worth the effort.