28 October, 2008

I sleep in empty pools and vacant alleyways

Tonight, we went back to Haunted Saddlemead.


Miss Lora Chadbourne's genteel haunt is back for another year, this year on its own sim, as opposed to sharing space with other operations.


The graveyard looks much like it did last year, with a few quirky new additions. I particularly favored this above-ground tomb.


The house is substantially unchanged, too. Walking inside, I have to say it's still one of the only houses in SL to make me feel tall. I suppose I adore it partially for that alone; but the look, the textures and the structure all contribute.

This year there was a change, though.


Fans of The Ghost and Mr. Chicken will recognize the refrain spooling through the house from the upstairs organ...though not, necessarily, the organist. Delightful touch.

We decided to take in a hay ride after walking through the house.


Lightning strikes were a tad too close for comfort--I had to hold my breath when we passed through the intensely stormy region.


All in all, Miss Lora Chadbourne did it again. Style, grace, and charm combined. It was weirdly calming, riding through the lightning on the cool autumn night.