23 April, 2023

give me hope, help me cope, with this heavy load

The more things change, the more they break the same. It took the better part of two and a half hours to bash some kind of functionality into the Kaya head. And in the end, what we have is...not me.

This is not me.

And I am beginning to believe it just never will be me, and...why is everything so hard?

It's annoying that this is not me.

So, welcome Not-Me to the cast of characters, the rest of which are usually me, because I wanted a functional EvoX head to put EvoX layered things onto.

Nevertheless, this is not me.

And if she does nothing else, pouty elven bitch that she is, she can at least stand around and get made up. It's ridiculous.

Something I sent to an otherlove when I finally gave up on making her look any better--or worse:
[15:41] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Gods, when did I log in...around one? And it's now...now...and I have JUST finished finding an outfit and bashing a mesh head into at least surface-usable condition, and...now I'm exhausted.
[15:42] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I hate this, I love you, I'll see what I can do with things this evening, and I'm off for a nap.
All I wanted to do is review EvoX layers for things. Why is it this stupidly difficult?