04 April, 2023

oh, the monsters, they ain't just inside my head

So...it's been some time since I updated. I would like to say, I've been thrillingly occupied with a fascinating new development RL that is taking the whole of my attention, but...while it does involve new developments in RL matters, they are developments I neither wanted nor asked for.

Blursday. It's Blursday.

I'm fairly sure I've missed at least one offering each from /Vae Victis\ and Arkivet when they were at those particular events, go me. And I so want to say, well, it was a drop in productivity, but that's done now, so let's GOOOOO...but I'm trying to be a realist in this. At Day 218 of the Eternal Headache, and coming up on three full weeks with the new horror, it is safe to say the Em no longer functions.

I'll do what I can, y'all. Okay. Back to your regularly scheduled whatever.
